Donegal Youth Service Ltd

Donegal Youth Service Ltd

Donegal Youth Service Ltd

16 - 18 Port Road , Unknown, Co. Donegal, Ireland - +353749129640

description de l'organisation

Donegal Youth Service (DYS) is a countywide Youth Service Provider, a Company Limited by Guarantee and a registered Charity with Charitable Status. Donegal Youth Service is an affiliate member of Youth Work Ireland (one of 22 Member Services nationally). Our work sees us regularly involved in projects and initiatives at a national and international level. DYS supports voluntary-led youth clubs that are affiliated with the organisation and manages youth projects which are set up to address the specific needs of young people aged 10 – 25yrs. DYS operates an integrated youth service model to deliver better outcomes for young people through an intentional youth work practice intervention. DYS operates an integrated youth service model, meaning that the youth work staff work to ensure that young people can move seamlessly from project to project dependent on their needs. This approach means that the young person is at the centre of the service and there is ‘no wrong door approach’ so a holistic approach is taken linking the young person to the appropriate project or intervention.
Donegal Youth Service:
Works to the guiding principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Creates youth-friendly services, keeping voluntary engagement at the core of what we do
Keeps young people and the adult volunteers that support them central to the work that we do
Treats young people with respect, dignity, empathy and unconditional positive regard.

thèmes liés à l'inclusion sociale

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles

Volunteering project

Intitulé du projet Project Dates Délai Statut
A Walk through the History of Madeira
A total of 1 week(s) during the period
Janv. 2020 to Nov. 2020
01/01/2020 - 01/11/2020
31/12/2037 closed

Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration

Lead organisation

PIC: 946559660 OID: E10115105
Dernière mise à jour le 24/05/24

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation

Jeunesse (participation, animation socio-éducative, politique de la jeunesse)