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Accredited organisation



C/ OCTAVIO DE TOLEDO 2, 50007, ZARAGOZA, España - +34976235010

Descripción de la organización:

ATADES (Asociación Tutelar Asistencial de Discapacidad Intelectual) is an institution whose mission is the assistance and the integration of people with intellectual disabilities along their life history in different social and educative aspects around Aragon.

Vision: the evolution since the care point of view to the social action, the complete integration in base to the full integration and the right to difference, self-determination, accessibility, quality of life, the non-discrimination, and the equal opportunity.

Values: respond to a social dimension of the intellectual disability, associated with the categorization established by the World Health Organisation.

1. Integration
2. Transparency
3. Ethical behaviour
4. Quality
5. Efficiency
6. Teamwork
7. Volunteering
8. Institutional and social commitment
9. Commitment with the learning

We pursue the full integration, the transparency in the mange and the ethical behaviour, the quality, and the efficiency in the provision of services, the teamwork and the quality of services, engagement with learning, the volunteering, and our social environment and institutional.

Objectives: the main objective of ATADES is obtain the normalisation of people with intellectual disability in their social environment, for this, our activity impact in these objectives:
- We develop awareness campaigns about people with intellectual disability and their rights.
- We activate our activities and services to meet the users and their family’s needs and interests.
- We do an efficient and clear manage of the resources.
- We promote the cooperation with the associative net, several, public and private, institutions and companies that contribute with the realization of our purposes.
- We create a professional team with knowledge for develop their task.
- We encourage a volunteerism active whom we thank for their dedication.

This year, 2022, is the 60th anniversary of Atades leading the intellectual disability in Aragón, with education institutions (special education), socio-occupational projects, welfare services, occupational centres, for employment, residences and leisure and free time. We satisfy more than 3.100 families and users in year 2020. All of this is possible by the work of more than 881 professionals, 200 volunteers, approximately, and thousands of partners support our initiative.

  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
De apoyo 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 943918835 OID: E10146599

Temas de la organización
