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Accredited organisation

Asociatia Act Integration

Asociatia Act Integration

bld. Carol I, nr. 33, bl. 33, sc. C, et. 1, ap. 6, 220106, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Roumanie - +40744277415

Description de l'organisation

initiatives, to offer support and to stimulate active participation of the volunteers and citizen of all ages by creating an alternative environment to access opportunities, according with the principles of modern democracy, in their community but
also at national, European and international level.
The organisation, located in Drobeta Turnu Severin city, Mehedinti county, in S-W of Romania, on the left side of Danube river, on the Romanian-Serbian border, is member of the SOCIETAL network, from Romania and associate member of the
international network VOLONTEUROPE.
A part of our goals are:
• promoting the right for education, the non formal and informal education, the long life learning and self improvement;
• promotion and protection of human rights and freedoms;
• involving young people from rural and urban area in activities that promote community’s values and principles;
• facilitating active citizenship, solidarity, the intercultural and intergenerational dialogue;
• combating the racism, xenophobia and intolerance;
• facilitating exchanges between individuals or legal entities that have common interests and the mobility of young people,
inside and outside EU borders;
• encouraging the social partnerships, community involvement;
• initiating and developing programs and projects to support the activities of local government institutions and initiate
campaigns to result in strengthening the link between government bodies and civil society;
• supporting tourism, sports, civic and ecological education activities
• creating activities for the purpose of life quality enhancement; creating educational materials for youth, organizing
workshops/trainings on different themes, cultural presentations, spectacles, conferences, training courses, symposia,
festivals, debates, sport activities, rallies, other public awareness activities
The members, volunteers, collaborators and our target groups have different backgrounds: youth workers, volunteers,teachers and trainers with different specializations, having experience in E-Twinning, Comenius, Leonardo, YIA, Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps and Social European Funds, artisans, children, students, unemployed, free-lancers, young people with few opportunities, youngsters from social centers or retired persons.
We have 3 founder members, 25 volunteeers and a large number of associated volunteers and collaborators.
We collaborate with partners as: artisans, schools and highschools, special schools, cultural institutions- theatre, museum, art galleries, other NGOs, Youth Foundation, Children's Palace, Teachers house, University from Craiova- the Center from
Drobeta Turnu Severin, Centers for children and youngsters facing difficulties (or living in violent families), local and regional public authorities and private entities.

Thèmes liés à l'inclusion sociale

Cette organisation est disposée à accueillir des bénévoles dont la situation complique la participation aux activités, parmi les catégories suivantes et pour différents types de projets:

  • Invalidité
  • Obstacles sociaux
  • Réfugiés
  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Hosting 31/12/2027
Soutien 31/12/2027
PIC: 947566811 OID: E10182661

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation

Citoyenneté et participation démocratique


Éducation et formation