Commune de Vienne

Commune de Vienne

Commune de Vienne

Place de l'Hôtel de Ville , 38209, VIENNE, France - +33474159951

descripción de la organización:

The Municipality of Vienne is a local authority whose mission is to meet the needs of the local population. It exercises general competences as well as the expertise identified in many and varied fields such as education, youth, international actions which concern us in the context of this issue.
For many years, it has been developing an active policy in terms of international relations.
The objectives which guide the activities are: openness to the world, the development of partnerships, the involvement of the population and of all audiences in international activities and the promotion of know-how.
To do this, two departments are working together for the development of mobility: International Relations and Youth departments, in close connection with other departments, sometimes as resources, sometimes as partners, sometimes as project initiators (technical, cultural, sports departments).
Vienne maintains close relations with its twin towns and cooperation cities. These durable links are so precious and give opportunities to both professionals and the population.
The mobility of young people is a priority, a factor favourable towards cultural openness, professional integration, social diversity. Some activities in favour of young people have been put in place, such as: project grants, summer job fairs, organization of international work camps, youth exchanges, Civic Services hosting, etc.
Actions based on the training of professionals, membership in different networks, exchanges of practices for a better expertise, to renew and advance in this theme (Agency training, Eurodesk labeling, Euroguidance training, Youth Information network, mobility networks, etc).
To go even further in the promotion of mobility and European citizenship, the two services mentioned above have chosen to work in transversality since 2005 and coordinate together the reception of young European volunteers. This experience has enabled them to engage in other volunteer schemes, such as the International Civic Service (with reciprocal hosting) in partner cities.
The international opening of Vienne is not only the result of official partnerships, it's also the result of the involvement of many Viennese actors in international and European projects. All of these international projects contribute to the representation of multiple cultures in Vienne and to the city's international reputation.

Volunteering project

Nombre del proyecto Project Dates Plazo Situación
Jumeler nos différences - Twinning our differences
A total of 0 week(s) during the period
Oct 2020 to Jul 2021
01/10/2020 - 31/07/2021
22/04/2020 closed

Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
De acogida31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 919235633 OID: E10056896
Última actualización 31/05/24

Temas de la organización

Quality and innovation of youth work

Youth policy development

European identity and values