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Accredited organisation



Barquillo 30, 28004, Madrid, Spain - +34670642230

Description of organisation

All2help is a non-profit and non-government association. Our main objective is to be a bridge between companies, public administrations and private initiative to develop cultural, social, environmental, educational, health and civil protection programs, projects and services, as well as mobility and non-regulated training for young people and adults.
All2help is developing social, cultural and environmental activities in rural areas of Spain in partnership with local municipalities.
One of our objectives is that young people achieve their full potential and become engaged and active citizens doing an international volunteer program. Our programs will help participants to develop personally and professionally and gain valuable international experience, strengthen values like solidarity, develop competences, broaden horizons and discover new ways of leaving and working. All2help cooperates with public institutions, schools, universities, other NGOs…
all2help has been working for more than 5 years to bring young people closer to the European reality. See their possibilities through training, volunteering and the development of projects at an international level, see that they have the possibility of expanding their knowledge, grow as a person and improving their professional CV through helping those most in need, people in social exclusion or opening the European horizon to other young people.
We work together with the European Solidarity Corps as a link between European organizations looking for volunteers and young people who want to make their dream of traveling in Europe come true and learning through volunteering in another country.
We have developed a European project in Spain in collaboration with public and private entities in the field of youth, education and culture.
We carry out our activities mainly in regions which suffer from severe and permanent demographic handicaps such as Soria with very low population density and aging population. We are currently hosting in partnership with Almazan´s town hall volunteers through the solidarity corps program. They are doing educational and social activities.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирам

Role Expiry date
Supporting 31/12/2027

Lead organisation

PIC: 912693662 OID: E10053016

Organisation topics

Community development


Key competences development