Valga Avatud Noortekeskus

Valga Avatud Noortekeskus

Valga Avatud Nortekeskus

J. Kuprjanovi 9, 68207, Valga, Estonia - +372 51910591

опис на организацијата

Valga Open Youth Center was opened on February 1, 2002 as a branch of the Valga Culture and Hobby Center. From 1 February 2017, the Valga Open Youth Center has operated as a separate local government agency. In addition to daily leisure activities, most of which are free for young people (board games, periodicals, billiards, table tennis, videos, listening to music), young people can organize informational days and entertainment events at the center. The youth center also offers a number of services to young people - providing youth information, enabling the organization of youth events, enabling hobby activities, as well as renting out equipment and carrying out projects outside the youth center. The Valga Open Youth Center provides an opportunity for various activities, especially for those young people who do not have the financial means to use the paid leisure services offered. There is a lobby room, a band room and a sound recording studio, a children 's playroom, a craft room, a gym and a photo studio. Various agencies and institutions conduct their trainings and study days in the building. We offer the possibility of renting rooms for organizing children's birthdays and conducting trainings. Our aim is to work with different kind of young people with different kinds of background. In all our youth centres, the age of target group youth is 7-26.
The organization is led by one manager and youth workers, who all have different kinds of background and several years worth of experience working with the youth. The organization has several outputs like summer school, Tankla volunteer pass, working camp, LAN parties, voluntary work, extreme sports hall and other activities.
We have 4 smaller youth centers, which all have the same aim and purpose.
Tõlliste Open Youth Center. Tõlliste youth center is 15 km from Valga in Tsirguliina and it's led by Elina Naaris. Tõlliste Open Youth Center is a small youth center, but is a gathering spot for youngsters from several villages in the area. Youth center and school work together and it is a big benefit for the community in general.
Taheva Open Youth Center is located in the countryside, 33 km from Valga in a small village Hargla and led by Madli Must. It is small, very active community, where something is always happening. The youth center itself supports the community and school and events are held together. The main task of the Open Youth Center is to provide and coordinate various youth services (eg information and counseling services), hobbie activities. At the youth center young people have the opportunity to watch movies, organize various theme evenings and events, play board games, billiards, table tennis, table football, use a laptop, gaming consoles, sound equipment, bicycles, skis and gym equipment, and play summer volleyball and indiaca. There is a playground for younger children on the property of the House of Culture and an outdoor gym for those interested in working out.
Karula Open Youth Center is small youth center in the middle of beautiful nature. It's located outside Valga, 23 km away. It's led by Siret Kõrge. Karula youth centre operates in Lüllemäe and was established in 2008. In the spring of 2018 it was moved to new, freshly renovated premises. At Karula youth centre, young people can take part in hobby groups or just spend time together with board games, behind a corona or billiard table, in front of game consoles, etc. In addition, young people can organize various events and gatherings in cooperation with the youth worker. Via cooperation with local establishments, activities and the use of youth center rooms is also provided for other people in the community.
Our main aim is youth work, providing resources and encouraging developmental activities of our youth and enable them to find fulfilling experiences outside their families, curriculum education and job, in their own free will. The subject of youth work is a 7-26 year old member of society. The aim of the youth work is to create prerequisites and support the youth in managing as a member of society. Youth work itself starts from where young people, their views, opinions and interests are. It creates conditions for the youth's personal and social development through the acquisition of knew knowledge and skills in non-formal and informal educational environments. Youth work itself helps to shape youths ethic beliefs, community spirit and respect of other cultures. Youth work assists young people in learning about themselves, others and their surroundings through both planned and spontaneous activities. Also it strives to rise youth participation in social matters, encourages young people to take responsibility and to make knowledgeable decisions about their life, values and development of society.

теми за инклузија

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Social obstacles

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирање

Role Датум на истекување
PIC: 909589953 OID: E10178742
Last updated on 19/05/24

Теми на организацијата
