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Accredited organisation


CROI LAR, HIGH STREET , V94 D9X9, MOUNTSHANNON, Irland - +353858313860

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

A group of active young people created Fishbowl Youth in 2002. The reason for setting up Fishbowl was a lack of a social space and respect for young people in the area.
The intention was to set up a drop-in centre in Scariff for Friday evenings, to set up a music and film project and to create a space to become involved in local, national and international issues.

In 2011 we became the first LGBT* inclusive Youth Group in Ireland

Over the years Fishbowl Youth developed into four specific areas:

1. Youth Activities, Under this heading are all the activities organised directly by and for the youth in East Clare who are either members of the youth club or regulars in the drop-in on Friday evenings.
2. Training and international youth work. We encourage our young people and youth leaders to look for training opportunities and we will give support as much as possible. When the need arises, we organise training events and/or seminars supporting the general vision of Fishbowl.
Hosting and sending young people on exchanges is an integral part of Fishbowl Youth.
3. Facilitation in group processes: Support leadership training both for young people and adult volunteers. These trainings will support the general running of Fishbowl Youth by up-skilling all involved
4. EVS, sending of young people on a European Voluntary Service. We see this as a logical step of the young people we work with after they have finished their second level education.

Personal development and active citizenship is at the core of our organisation. What is unique about our project is that participation and decision-making by young people are our most important operational objectives. We work towards an equal relationship with young people where the adult leader acts as enabler and observer, while acknowledging that the role of the youth worker/volunteer can be one of authority.
We live in a rural area, with very little or no Public Transport, young people in our area have little to go to or to get involved in besides sport activities. Fishbowl Youth offers a badly needed alternative.


Diese Einrichtung ist zur Aufnahme von Freiwilligen bereit, deren persönliche Situation die Beteiligung an Projekten erschwert. Auswahl aus folgenden Kategorien für verschiedene Arten von Projekten:

  • Interkulturelle Probleme
  • Geldprobleme
  • Geografische Hindernisse
  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Unterstützt 31/12/2027
PIC: 946975984 OID: E10143420