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Accredited organisation

Iniziativa Democratica

Corso Mazzini, 7, 60121, Ancona, Italia - +393204785446

Beskrivelse av organisasjon

Iniziativa Democratica (hereinafter ''ID'') was founded in Ancona, Italy, in 2011 by a group of young lawyers fond of volunteering. ID is an NGO which carries out its activity only using the work of its own volunteers.
ID is a no-profit organisation (in Italian: ''Associazione di promozione sociale'') recognised by Italian State and European Commission.
ID is in the list of youth NGOs of Marche Region, because 75% of its members are under 30 years old. ID is not a political organisation, it does not belong to any political party and it is a totally no-profit organisation. Indeed, every single euro (coming from donations) is invested for the activities of the NGO.
The purpose of ID is the spread of legality, rights and solidarity among youngsters.
We are one of the most important NGO in Marche Region for the number of Erasmus+ youth exchanges (as partner organisation).
More than 100 young people -from all around Italy- have done a youth exchange experience in Europe, or even in Asia, thanks to us.
We do also cultural and social events , mainly but not only in Ancona, about Rule of Law, gender equality and environment protection.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 919191110 OID: E10055866