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Accredited organisation

Asociacion Escanda

Ronzón s/n , 33637, Ronzón, Lena, Spain


Description of organisation

Escanda is a non profit association that carries out different kind of activities aimed to develope a sustenaible and collective life in the countryside. It is a way of understanding life that affects each of its aspects such as work, ways of consumption, communication, group organisation, the use of the resources...
It is also an open space for participation and exchange of knowledge that takes part in a broader collective process aimed to a social change for global justice.

The main goals of Escanda are the following:
1. To promote learning in different fields, such as:
a) Ecological agriculture and sustainable use of the forest resources.
b) Energy efficiency, renewable and local energies
c) Group processes, horizontal governance and non violent communication
d) Regaining traditional knowledges and adjusting them to the current environment in different ways such as: medicinal uses of plants, bio-construction with local materials, crafts...
2 . To develope a fruitful environment to encourage self-management in different fields.
3. To promote social and international relationships based in solidarity, freedom and diversity, through activities adressed to asturian population in order to encourage an active compromise against any kind of discrimination.
4. To contribute to the regeneration of the rural areas, the revitalisation and maintenance of villages by promoting traditional self-organised ways of approach the community developement: collective work, open meetings and cultural activities, and facilitating also a leisure meeting point involving cultural activities.
5. To get in touch with other international individuals or networks interested in developing similar objectives, facilitating international exchanges, language courses and volunteering programs.
6. To develop and experience different models of pedagogy with children by introducing different ways of communication and offering activities in touch with nature and the countryside.

Escanda developes different kind of activities in order to work in their objectives.
Currently the main activities of Escanda are:
- Takin care of a garden with organically-grown production for self consumption of participants in the project. We are developing also the project of a medicinal garden
- Maintenance of a piece of land with different types of fruit trees
- Being part of networks with similar goals and ways of working, for example those that are involved in the conservation of traditional varieties of seeds or fruit trees, as well as reforestation projects.
- Maintenance of the structures that are surrounding the land where the project is settled and some works of fire prevention.
- Maintenance of infrastructures that provides energy; experimentation and learning about energy efficiency and use of low technology for a self-managment approach to energy issues.
- Workshops related to different self-management fields in the rural context such pruning, basketmaking, scythe mowing, medicinal uses of plants, seeds conservation, ...
- Working with children organizing summer camps and leisure weekends for small groups of kids (some of them in economical disadvantage) developing activities for an approach to nature and respect of environment.
- Organisation of cultural events (talks, films cycle,...)
- Art and music festivals, poetry,...

We carry out this activities both in the village where the association is settled and also in other places that facilitate participation of other collectives.

Inclusion topics

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Refugees
  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирам

Role Expiry date
Hosting 31/12/2027
Supporting 31/12/2027
PIC: 900737539 OID: E10048277

Organisation topics


Equality and non-discrimination
