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Accredited organisation

Erzincan İl Milli Egitim Müdürlügü

Erzincan İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü

Fatih Mahallesi 719. Sokak No.28, 24030, Erzincan, Turquie - +90 446 214 20 73

Description de l'organisation

The history of Erzincan Provincial Directorate of National Education dates back to 19th century. In 19th century Erzincan province had the duty of raising army officers as a city of military education. In 1892 there were 55 madrasas, 1 Ottoman Junior High School, 9 primary schools, and 5 Armanian primary and secondary schools. In the early years of Republic, under the aegis of our Directorate there were 6 primary schools, 1 secondary school, 1 military school and a library in our city. As of today, our Directorate, located in the city centre, is the umbrella organization of 278 institutions in total including 105 primary schools (ISCED 1), 73 secondary schools (ISCED2), 50 high schools (ISCED 3), 9 Adult Education Centres, 9 Teacher's Houses, 1 Science and Art Centre, 1 Vocational Education Centre, 1 Counseling and Research Centre. Within the body of our Directorate, 40.771 students receive education, 3.386 teachers work, and more than 200 persons work for assisted, technical, health and managerial services.
Erzincan Provincial Directorate of National Education, one of the 83 local representors of Ministry of Education, is ruled according to the regulation of the Ministry of Education.
Erzincan Provincial Directorate of National Education is the umbrella organisation ruling all the formal, non-formal and informal training and educational processes in Erzincan. Under the aegis of our organisation, there are 285 schools, 2.396 classrooms, 39.748 students and 3.250 teachers.
In our organisation, there is a Provincial Director of National Education, Head of the Inspectorate of Education, 2 Deputy Managers and 7 Departmental Managers. The departments are:
- Department of Human Resources
- Department of Information Processing and Educational Technology
- Department of Lifelong Learning
- Department of Secondary and Vocational Education
- Department of Primary Education
- Department of Religion and Culture Education
- Department of Construction and Real Estate
- Department of Special Training and Education
- Department of Support Services
- Department of Strategy Development and R&D
According to the fields of our facilities our Directorate works in coordination with the schools to increase educational level of the city in parallel with the common aims European Union and our country. Besides, our Directorate works to achieve the targets of European Union (EU) in the field of education. For this reason, our Directorate has carried out European Union projects, has been accredited as Eurodesk Info Point and is eligible to appoint eTwinning and Erasmus+ City Ambassadors who assist teachers in the city to carry out projects, inform the teachers about the aims of EU in the field of education and disseminate the project results which are successfully performed.
Our organisation, cooperating with Governorship, Municipality, University and the other provincial directorates when necessary, is the umbrella institution of all the public and private educational institutions and all the educational facilities in our city.

  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Soutien 31/12/2027
PIC: 943821641 OID: E10139237