Verein "Leben entfalten" - Initiative für aktives und selbstbestimmtes Lernen und für die Verbreitung von Kunst und Kultur

Verein "Leben entfalten" - Initiative für aktives und selbstbestimmtes Lernen und für die Verbreitung von Kunst und Kultur

Gutenbergstrasse 2, 3300, Amstetten, Austria - +4368110778238

descripción de la organización:

The non-profit organisation "Leben entfalten" is running a school named "Mostviertler Montessorischule" (short form: MoMo) for children from age 6 - 16 and is located in Amstetten in Lower Austria. Being a small private institution operated by principles of Maria Montessori, Mauricio and Rebecca Wild, Emmi Pikler and Jesper Juul there are 34 children who currently attend our school.

There are no typical classrooms for every age group as the kids are basically being divided into two main groups: primary students from age 6 – 11 and secondary students from age 11 – 16. The children are actively being enrolled into the process of learning and can choose their prefered occupation from a wide range of activities and learning material. The natural need for exercise in children is being met as the students are allowed to move freely inside the school building, and activities in the school garden are on the daily schedule. A major aim is to support students in developing social skills, taking responsibility for their actions, being able to work in a team, being able to show their own emotions and to respect other's emotions and feelings. As part of that every student who is new to the school is being supported by a "Pate" (one of the older students) who is willing to answer school-related questions or simply assist with a certain task.

Apart from „ordinary“ school activities there are always different kinds of projects in progress which are part of the weekly school schedule. There is a big blackboard on the hallway where the children can see exactly when the various activities will take place: Ranging from short once-off activities (e.g. ice-skating, skiing, sled riding, excursions to visit exhibitions or fairs, camping trips, etc.) to projects that are ongoing. The children can sign up for different activities such as the garden group that is responsible for the care of the fruit and veggies in the school garden or the theatre group that is rehearsing an act for the annual school festival.

We also have regular seasonal festivities and activities such as singing of Christmas carols, baking cookies for Christmas, etc. In addition to that there are various activities throughout the whole year and some of which last for several months. Over the years several differnt types of projects were happening during the school year; last year's focus was on waste prevention and recycling prinicples. Another example would be our birdlife project which involved all aspects of the local birdlife including excursions with a bird expert, building of bird feeders, preparing bird food, posters, drawings and summaries of different bird species, etc. Other exercises included the play of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory": texts, songs, stage settings, costumes, etc. was being organised and put together by the students themselves. Other projects were the fabrication of soaps, a choir-project with a professional singer, preparation of home-made ointments, healthy cooking, old handicraft-techniques,etc. to mention only a few.

Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
De acogida31/12/2027
PIC: 908749254 OID: E10143166
Última actualización 12/05/24

Temas de la organización

Education and training

Salud y bienestar

Equality and non-discrimination