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Accredited organisation

Tallinna Lasteaed Vikerkaar

Tallinna Lasteaed Vikerkaar

Õismäe tee 110, 13513, Tallinn, Estonia - +372 657 0838

Descripción de la organización:

The working language of Tallinna Lasteaed Vikerkaar is Estonian.
Tallinna Lasteaed Vikerkaar is an educational institution, which provides pre-school child care and education. We have a total of 12 groups which are distributed as follows:
● 9 groups for children aged 3-7 years;
● 1 mixed group for children aged 2-7;
● 2 groups for children aged 1,5-3 years.
The organization of study is based on the Tallinna Lasteaed Vikerkaar curriculum, which is based on the national curriculum of the pre-school child care institution. Elements of the child-centered approach methodology and general educational principles are used to implement learning and education activities. The educator participates in the learning process as a mentor, guide and creator of a growth environment. The institution has applied modern active learning methodologies and value-based methodologies, using the Bullying Free Kindergarten and Step by Step Methodology.
The specialty of the kindergarten is health promotion activities, since 2005 the Network of Health Promoting Kindergartens. The kindergarten has a spacious courtyard with a mini-stadium and a bicycle playground, as well as a gym, which provides almost all possible activities. Õismäe Pond with a green park is located just nearby the kindergarten, which gives a chance for many outdoor study opportunities, study visits, sports activities and hiking.

  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 946914001 OID: E10139044

Temas de la organización

Educación y formación