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Accredited organisation

Tyrnävän kunta, kulttuuri- ja vapaa-aikapalvelut

Tyrnävän kunta, kulttuuri- ja vapaa-aikapalvelut

Kunnankuja 4, 91800, Tyrnävä, Finlandia - +3580444971240

Descripción de la organización:

The accrediting organization is Tyrnävä Culture and Leisure Services (Culture and leisure department of the municipality of Tyrnävä). Tyrnävä is the municipality, next to the city of Oulu. Tyrnävä has approx. 6750 habitants. Tyrnävä has an exceptional age structure: almost half of the citizens are under 29 years old.

Tyrnävä Culture and Leisure Services provides activities and facilities for young people to spend their leisure time in our 3 youth centers, youth workshop, 2 libraries and in many sports facilities. Municipal youth work is based on the law of the youth work. The target is creating favourable living standards for young people, positive preconditions for the young people civil activities and developing their intellectual growth and abilities. Youth Services of Tyrnävä will develop the youth council operations in our own municipality as well as regions youth council in cooperation with region organization. Youth work is mainly done by a municipal youth office and by different organisations. Municipal youth work's main target group is youngsters between 13-17 years old, but we work with all the citizens under 29 years old, as the law requires.

The main mission for Youth Services in Tyrnävä is to produce qualified welfare-services to the young. The emphases are young peoples participation, voluntarity and their own wish and need to do, noticing also healthy undoing. The main methods at municipal youth work are local services, preventive work, social reinforcement and offering meaningful and safe activities to the young. Tyrnävä Culture and Leisure Services offers aid to youth organisations and groups, leisure time activities, various events, clubs and camps, cultural activities, and local and global projects.

  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 894617421 OID: E10252776

Temas de la organización

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Salud y bienestar
