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Accredited organisation

Udruga socijalnih usluga "Pomoć u kući starijim i nemoćnim osobama" Lipik

Udruga socijalnih usluga "Pomoć u kući starijim i nemoćnim osobama" Lipik

Baranjska 14a, 34551, Lipik, Chorwacja


Opis organizacji

The aim of the Association is to provide and exercise rights to the unemployed, especially women over 40 years of age, single mothers, long-term unemployed women and other unemployed through the realization of their own and other programs/projects, in order to increase their competitiveness in seeking and obtaining employment, and to organize humanitarian projects
actions for the purpose of collecting and distributing material, financial and other goods to the sick, infirm, abandoned or poor children and socially disadvantaged families, single parents and the elderly and disabled improving the quality of their lives, and of all other people in need.

Activities of the Association:
- Promoting and developing volunteerism
- the activity of volunteer centers
- promoting the development of social entrepreneurship
- the right elderly person
- poverty reduction
- improving health
- lifelong learning and adult education
- education for sustainable development, healthy lifestyles and nature conservation
- help and support for the elderly
- assistance and support to persons with disabilities
- Assistance and support to persons at risk of poverty and social exclusion
- assistance and support to the unemployed
- counseling and assistance
- help in the house
- living room for the elderly
- home help and care services
- preparing food and providing food service
- preparing and serving drinks and beverages
- purchase and sale of goods
- tourist services involving sports, recreational or adventure activities
- maintenance of public areas
- transportation of passengers in public transport
- car taxi transfer
- transportation for own needs
- the activity of public road transport of passengers and freight in domestic traffic
- professional help and support
- short stay, playroom, workshops, clubs
- organizing leisure activities
- help and support in your own home and community
- other social service activities
- improving the quality of life and health of the socially excluded
- organizing humanitarian concerts, sporting events, and other public gatherings
- other humanitarian aid activities
- sports recreation
- physical activities and games organized in order to promote health and recreation
- organizing and conducting a recreational exercise
- organizing sports and recreational competitions and sports and recreational educational projects and programs
- cooperation with other humanitarian and social organizations, and joint appearances in public media
communication with other institutions
- production and sale of useful and decorative creations of the members of the Association
- Informatics and computer science
- improving the quality of life of older persons

Zagadnienia związane z integracją

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Economic obstacles
  • Geographical obstacles
  • Organizacja ta posiada znak jakości Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności. Znak jakości poświadcza, że organizacja jest w stanie realizować projekty zgodnie z zasadami i celami Europejskiego Korpusu Solidarności.

Zakres Wolontariat

Rola Data ważności
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 895335512 OID: E10250570

Tematyka organizacji

Obywatelstwo i uczestnictwo w życiu demokratycznym

Zdrowie i dobra kondycja
