Exploring Cultural campfire Opportunities

Exploring Cultural campfire Opportunities


Skulevegen 3, 6723, Svelgen , Norway

+47 94805665

beskrivelse av organisasjon

Our local mission

Exploring Cultural Campfire Oppertunities, ECCO NGO is a non profit organization dedicated to work with child and youth, immigrants, refugees and other vulnerable groups in our local community.
ECCO runs by local volunteers , who designe , implement and evaluating local and international project. ECCO is dedicated to creating and implementing concepts that allow our participant, members and local residents to develope a self defined strategy of learning in the framework of non formal learning.
ECCO members are facilitator in volunteering activities on a regular basis, in different places in our community, and the location for our activities is in our stakholder location. EX. Child and youth work in the library. ECCO has no locations of its own, but cooperation with the municipality of Bremanger gives us free access to locations where we want to facilitate activity.
ECCO's principles are equal opportunity for all, our activities where free and open to everyone in the age group activity is intended for. Social justice, inclusion and empathy are important factors in our work and will be part of strengthening our local community.
Based in Bremanger , a small community with about 3800 inhabitants in the region call Vestland . We are surrounded by mountains and fjord , lovely scenario by nature.
Bremanger fall under the category of geographical obstacles , as we are places in rural areas with poorly developed infrastructure and a long distance between the settlements.
Community challanges:
• municipality is struggling with depopulation, and increasing numbers of older people
• no secondary schools
• If your interests are beyond sports and music, you need to develop your own leisure activities
• young people aged 15 \ 16 years move from home at a young age
• few young people aged 16 - 35 years in the municipality
• few femal aged 16 - 35 years
• long distance to nearby cities
• challenging to recruit to necessary professional groups such as: doctor, nurse, teacher and preschool teacher, carpenters, machinist

The municipality is running a recruitment project, aimed at central Europe to recruit families to settle down in our municipality. This group needs support to developing a local network , they are ECCOs target group in Language cafe , together with the refugees.
EX: In one of our villages Rugsund, lives 245 inhabitants, who come from 10 different countries.
EX: Our village of Svelgen, with 1,300 inhabitants, our local kindergarten have children with over 52% foreign language as number 1 and norwegian as number 2 language.
Some years ago The Municipality made a survey at the school, and discover that 26 different nations were represented in our small school of about 180 students.
In a multicultural society, like ours, working with social inclusion is important. ECCO takes this co-responsibility and offers activities, workshops and other things to create networks and well-being among all local residents in our community.ECCO facilitates opportunities for all residents on the following principles equal treatment, equal opportunities and non profit principle.
ECCO will be and are,- a contributor, offering activities beyond what the municipality can offer, by inviting local residents to provide input on what is needed in our local community, as equal and active citizens of our local community.
ECCO runs activity called ACTON DAY .This concept is based on local residents mailing ECCO about tasks they need the help and support of ECCO's volunteers. If you need help and support, you will need to provide your own equipment, but ECCO will help you complete the task. Example: gardening, small painting assignments, helping to keep tidy around the house, be your support friend in social setting or physical activity like hiking , a conversation friend in English, Norwegian or ESC's native language to practice and teach locals, or overcome language barriers and speak english together.
ECCO also facilitates social activities such as boat trips, barbecue parties etc for the entire village. You sign up with an email to ECCO.
ECCO objectives are:
- Volunteering work
- Healt and wellbeing
- Inclusion
- Creativity and cultures
- Civic engagement / responsible and active citizenship
- Community development
- Equal opportunities /gender equality
- Environment

ECCO activities:
Project design and implementation
Long term and short term ESC
Sending organisation for ESC
Local on arrival training for ESC - ecoaching - Evaluation seminar
Run activities for children and youth on regular basis
Run activities called Action day
Promotion / campaigns/ workshops
Organisational development
Local camps and «sleep overs» for youngster
Language cafe for refugees, asylum seekers and others
Erasmus + cooperation YE and TC
Our cooperation mission regionals and National level
Sharing our experiences with other organizations interested in becoming a HO and SO organization.
ECCO activities
Share knowledge and experience in ESC
Motivate organizations and small businesses to host ESC mobility
Share knowledge about opportunities for youth mobility Erasmus +


This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Educational difficulties
  • Health problems

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
PIC: 896975782 OID: E10233206
Last updated on 02/05/24



Community development