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Accredited organisation

Istituto Comprensivo "Battisti-Pascoli"

I.C. Battisti-Pascoli

Via Felice Cavallotti, 30, 70056, Molfetta, Italia - +390803971554

Descripción de la organización:

The Comprehensive Institute "Battisti-Pascoli" includes three levels of school: Kindergarten (3-6 years), Primary School (6-11 years), Secondary School (11-14 years).
Families’ socio-cultural background is mainly of medium level with cases of precarious work placement; this limits the access to paid training activities.
There are numerous pupils of other nationalities contributing to a composite and varied user base.
The objectives that the school pursues through its educational action are in line with those of the European Solidarity Corps:
- to educate to an active and responsible citizenship,
- enhancing intercultural education,
- to improve language skills
- to raise awareness of environmental sustainability,
- to develop responsible behaviour inspired by the principle of solidarity among people,
- to develop civic sense and respect for legality,
- to develop the protection of the landscape and environmental heritage,
- to develop digital skills for critical use of the network and social networks,
- preventing and tackling early school leaving,
- to enhance school inclusion,
- enhancing laboratory teaching.

- Pupils:
The Comprehensive Institute “Battisti – Pascoli” is characterized as a "pole of affluence", for a good number of pupils (about 40% comes from other districts). The socio-cultural extraction of the users is varied and the socio-economic context of the students appears as an average one. There are numerous pupils of other nationalities whose presence is an opportunity for a constructive exchange with other cultures present in the Mediterranean area. Many of these families often do not have a stable and regular job placement. This condition of job precariousness is sometimes found also among the groups to which belong several Italian students attending the I.C. The teachers adapt their training proposals on the basis of the socio¬economic profile of the families that do not always have the budget to support the payment for further projects. This implies the exercise of an acute planning ability by the teachers, aimed at identifying emerging cultural interests in order to satisfy them, keeping the implementation costs for the families low (educational outings, educational visits, travels).
- Parents, manager, teachers and school staff, local community (indirect recipients):
The educational staff of the Institute has a varied composition both in relation to the professional experience acquired and in relation to the qualifications obtained. The teachers of the three levels of school (pre-school, primary and secondary school) are constantly involved in training and refresher courses both offered by the school and by external organizations.
Many teachers are involved in the social fabric of the territory: cultural, social and sports associations.
The local community is characterized by a developed economic and commercial field (fishing, agriculture, commerce, industry, tourism). However, there are situations of social and economic discomfort especially among the immigrant communities living in our city.

Regular activities the school runs are the following:
- INCLUSIVENESS PROJECT "A SCHOOL FOR FRIEND": to guarantee the educational success of each pupil, the enhancement of differences and real inclusion:
- curricular/extracurricular artistic, botanical, linguistic workshops;
- collaboration among the classroom and municipal educators, teachers in retirement
- psychological counselling, for families and pupils.
- BULLISM AND CYBERBULLISM PREVENTION, workshops, meetings with the Postal Police, publication of students' work on the national portal, subscription to the national cyberbullying prevention network.
- LEGALITY PROJECT: a path to promote active citizenship and the culture of legality, meetings with law enforcement agencies (Carabinieri, Municipal Police...).
MUSICAL-ARTISTICAL-EXPRESSIVE AREA: theatre, music and art workshops; concerts open to citizens; project on historical figures of the city, such as Gaetano Salvemini, with production and placement of students' art-works on city streets.
SCIENTIFIC-LOGIC-MATEMATIC AREA: coding laboratories and competitions; programming with Scratch; computational thinking; Mathematical Games Bocconi University of Milan
LINGUISTIC-HISTORYCAL- PHILOSOPHICAL AREA: courses, workshops and competitions on historical, philosophical, linguistic, L1 (Italian Langauage) and L2 (English Language) enrichment topics.
PHYSICAL EDUCATION AREA: psychomotricity, fairplay, participation in competitions and National Youth Games
"LEGALITY": path of education and promotion of responsible citizenship for a culture of legality, in order to develop a greater sense of belonging to one's own local community, as well as a glocal one.

Temas de integración

Esta organización está dispuesta a admitir a voluntarios que hagan frente a situaciones que dificulten su participación, de las siguientes categorías para distintos tipos de proyectos:

  • Obstáculos económicos
  • Obstáculos sociales
  • Refugiados
  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10248784

Temas de la organización

Ciudadanía y participación democrática

Climate action, environment and nature protection


Educación y formación

Equality and non-discrimination

European identity and values

Salud y bienestar
