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Accredited organisation

Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Jugendverbände in Hamburg e.V.


Alfred-Wegener-Weg 3, 20459, Hamburg, Allemagne - +494078897630

Description de l'organisation

The “Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Jugendverbände in Hamburg e.V.” (AGfJ) is an umbrella organization of 11 youth associations. Each one with another focus and activities, such as youth media, international and intercultural youth exchange, scout activities, international music projects, sustainable development, youth fire brigade, and a variety of group activities and youth camps. The youth associations work with youths and young adults in the age from 12-27 years.

The AGfJ counsels the organizations, and supports them by renting materials and organizing the shared office-rooms. It represents the interests of their organizations in the Landesjugendring (regional youth council). And provides educational opportunities such as qualifying courses for former groupleaders (JuLeiCa) and further training for voluntary group leaders and board members, as well as workshops for example in active citizenship education, child welfare, anti-diskrimination-topics or dealing with colonial history. It’s youth education formats include international youth exchanges as well as the organization of a yearly political educational event (respect*) on anti-rassist and anti-discriminatory topics. The national volunteers from the member organizations are involved in the planning process of these projects and meeting regularly in working groups. The AGfJ takes part in the planning and organizes the administrative and financial responsibilities for these projects.

A new project and working field is the configuration of an international youth education centre, which will be organized and run by AGfJ together with its member organisations starting in 2021. The House with Seminar-rooms and 70 Beds is placed in a rural area 20 km south from Hamburg, here the volunteers will be residented. In the recreation of the new international youth education centre, the AGfJ plans educational programs and configures the building structure of the house and the design of the garden.

Thèmes liés à l'inclusion sociale

This organisation is willing to involve volunteers who face situations which make their participation in activities more difficult, from the following categories for different types of project:

  • Cultural differences
  • Economic obstacles
  • Social obstacles
  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 943449549 OID: E10111184

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation

Éducation et formation

European identity and values
