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Accredited organisation

ZŠ a MŠ Počepice, okres Příbram

Základní škola a Mateřská škola Počepice okres Příbram, příspěvková organizace

Počepice 41, 26253, Počepice, die Tschechische Republik

+420 736 472 797

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

ZŠ a MŠ Počepice is a small school in the village of Počepice, located in the centre of the Czech Republic, 80 kilometres south from Prague. The school consists of two parts – elementary school for children from 6 to 10 years of age and kindergarten for children from 2 to 6 years of age. The school is very small, each of these two parts is attended by approximately 15 children. We also provide after-school childcare, which is a space where the children can play games and learn in a non-formal way.

Being a small school is, in our opinion, an advantage rather than a disadvantage – we have the space to approach the children in a very individual way, create interesting projects and activities for them, provide a lot of extra-curricular activities and get involved in the local community.

The school provides many extra-curricular activities, clubs, in which the children learn various skills – English, computers, cooking, floorball, art, ceramics, board games, drama and ukulele. We also cooperate with the local library, which prepares activities for the children connected to reading and literacy. Since the school is located in a small village, we have the chance spend a lot of time outside – playing games, getting to know the nature and doing physical activities.

Over the year, we organize various projects for the pupils, which usually take one day and provide the children an insight into interesting topics outside of the standard curriculum, for example first aid, media literacy, nature, drug prevention, ecology, animation, etc. Once a year, we organize a “night at school”, during which the children experience an adventurous programme together.

We also organize many events together with the local community. We organize the Mother’s Day, welcoming winter event, Christmas gathering, Family Competition for children and parents and more. The local community also provides a lot of free time activities, such as football, floorball, yoga, Zumba, canoeing, movie club, library, various cultural events, photography and many more.

The school is located in Central Bohemia, with a beautiful countryside and many interesting places to see. For cultural activities and meeting people, it is possible to go to the nearby town of Sedlčany (20 minutes by bus) or to Prague, which is very well-accessible (only 2 hours by bus). For nature lovers, there are very nice places to visit on the banks of the river Vltava, various natural sights, outlook towers, dams, castles and camps. For one-day trips, it is possible to go to the historical towns of Tábor, Písek, České Budějovice and more, to enjoy the typical Czech culture and atmosphere.


Diese Einrichtung ist zur Aufnahme von Freiwilligen bereit, deren persönliche Situation die Beteiligung an Projekten erschwert. Auswahl aus folgenden Kategorien für verschiedene Arten von Projekten:

  • Interkulturelle Probleme
  • Geldprobleme
  • Geografische Hindernisse
  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10246518

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Community development

Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung
