Description de l'organisation
As an organization, our mission is to work with institutions and organisations to create a just and sustainable world. We envision a world in which everyone can lead a prosperous and dignified life within the boundaries of the Earth’s natural resources across boundaries with no limitations in ethnic, cultural, languages, and religion. We are dedicated to expanding the horizon of youth empowerment, diversity and equality utilising non-formal education by means of voluntary services as a tool to global change, using art work and other handcraft towards youth development. We do have a physical environment suitable for young people with physical difficulties, using sports and handcraft as a means towards social development and creating opportunities for youths while tapping into their resources. We do cooperation with partners in Europe and the across the middle east, both on youth and sports development.
Thèmes liés à l'inclusion sociale
Cette organisation est disposée à accueillir des bénévoles dont la situation complique la participation aux activités, parmi les catégories suivantes et pour différents types de projets:
- Différences culturelles
- Difficultés scolaires
- Obstacles sociaux
- Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.
Porté Volontariat
Rôle | Date d'expiration |
Hosting | 31/12/2027 |
Soutien | 31/12/2027 |
Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation
Citoyenneté et participation démocratique
Community development
Equality and non-discrimination