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Accredited organisation

Asociación Desarrollo Territorial Campoo Los Valles

ADT Campoo Los Valles

Calle Casimiro Sainz, número 44. 1º Izquierda., 39200, Matamorosa. Campoo de Enmedio., España - +34699707114

Descripción de la organización:

The Campoo Los Valles Territorial Development Association (ADT), founded in 1993, is a non- profit entity made up of municipal representatives, social and business associations and other economic and social agents of Campoo Los Valles.

The Association has its scope of action in the Campoo and Iguña regions (differentiated natural regions committed to uniting their capacities to achieve balanced rural development), made up of the following municipalities: Anievas, Arenas de Iguña, Bárcena de Pie de Concha, Campoo de Enmedio, Campoo de Yuso, Cieza, Brotherhood of Campoo de Suso, Molledo, Pesquera, Reinosa, Las Rozas de Valdearroyo, San Miguel de Aguayo, Santiurde de Reinosa, Valdeprado del Río, Valdeolea and Valderredible.
The ultimate purpose of the ADT is the promotion, coordination and management of local initiatives for the economic and social development of its territorial scope of action.
In 2002, the Cantabrian Rural Development Network was born, promoting European, national and regional initiatives among the then six Local Action Groups of Cantabria and to which the
ADT Campoo Los Valles belonged.

LEADER + and PRODER Development initiatives are managed in the community. With the LEADER methodology as the main reference, an association is being created that tries to develop the rural regions of Cantabria from its own resources and potential.
The ADT has managed almost 1,000 projects in the four stages of the LEADER program in which it has participated: LEADER II, from 1994 to 1999, LEADER Plus, from 2000 to 2006, LEADER Cantabria, from 2007 to 2013 and LEADER Cantabria, from 2014 to 2020.
One of the current projects that the ADT has is aimed at promoting active rural tourism. With LEADER funds, the entity has created a web application of maps with which to consult and locate the tourist and heritage resources of the Campoo and Iguña regions. In this cartographic viewer, launched in 2016, you can choose between four types of thematic cartographies: natural resources, heritage resources, tourist resources and sports resources.
In turn, this entity is spreading its wings at the European level by holding the certificate that accredits it as a member of the European Cultural Itinerary Megalithic Routes, for the exceptionality of megalithic art in its territory, and the certificate of member of the Cultural Itinerary of the Council of Europe "Roads of Prehistoric Rock Art" (CARP), which makes it the only Spanish entity to achieve both distinctions in its region.
The ADT has a technical team made up of a manager, a project technician, an administrative technician, and a communication manager. In addition, the ADT has a PIE (European Information Point) office in which a technician offers information on the European Union, its institutions, its policies and its legislation, as well as the possibilities of financing and access to Union programs European. The PIE Office of the ADT belongs to the Network of European Information Points, coordinated by the Office of European Affairs (Europe Direct) of the General Directorate of Economy and European Affairs of the Government of Cantabria.
The work of the ADT is based on the continuous work by and for the promoter offering advice and information in the process of processing the grant to the Cantabria LEADER Program with the sole purpose of achieving optimal results.​
It organizes and collaborates in various projects such as the 'PARARTE' meetings for the promotion of art integrated into the landscape of the area, this year held jointly with CEIP Leonardo Torres Quevedo, from Arenas de Iguña.

Another of the initiatives carried out by this entity has been the inter-territorial and transnational project `Borrando Huellas, whose general objective was to train promoters and support the creation of companies aimed at transforming waste into recycling.

  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
De apoyo 31/12/2027
PIC: 909423210 OID: E10258401