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Accredited organisation



Alexandru Constantinescu nr. 1, 011471, Bucuresti, Rumanía


Descripción de la organización:

AMA EVENTS ASSOCIATION - non-governmental association, aims to promote sport and physical activities, scientific and cultural activities at all levels, by organizing events, courses, competitions and development projects, and supporting talent, especially children and young people in all fields. The association promotes and supports social rights and values for citizens by promoting programs of general and community, to find solutions to the problems of disadvantaged groups, to promote youth and talented children, social inclusion of people with disabilities, disadvantaged groups, etc. Under the statute, the objectives of the association are: developing and implementing formal and non-formal education, training tools and mechanisms at all levels and social categories through training programs; stimulate demand for education and training programs; promoting and supporting values, people who demonstrate skills or excel in certain areas; development, support and promotion of culture, sport and any field promoting values in the country and abroad; promoting vocational training programs and education as a means of developing human capital; facilitating the access of vulnerable groups to education and training; support for the development and diversification of educational and vocational of the youth training offerings by organizing conferences, seminars, information and promotion campaigns, debates with similar institutions and organizations from Romania or abroad; economic and social development (community, local development, economic and infrastructure development, social issues, jobs and assistance); protecting rights and promoting citizens' interests (individual rights, civil rights, civic education, public participation, defense and promotion of ethnic solidarity and cultural traditions, minorities, prevention of trafficking in human beings, prevention of delinquency, rehabilitation-reintegration of offenders, victim support, consumer protection, etc.); women's rights (preventing and combating gender discrimination, integrating gender equality into public policies, gender equality in the labor market, equal opportunities for women to participate in public life, services for the protection and assistance of victims of domestic violence, awareness campaigns for society in gender equality services, support services for women in difficulty); developing specific projects for raising awareness, educating and training structures for environmental management, rational use of natural resources, social reintegration, through cooperative economic activities; providing material and financial support to children, young people, orphans, the elderly, people with disabilities or mental retardation; setting up camps, means of accommodation, canteens, material aid distribution centers, centers for elderly, homeless or abandoned, centers for orphans and young people; fight against vices (addiction to alcohol, drugs, etc.), promoting a healthy lifestyle; making and editing of books, publications, leaflets, posters, brochures, informative materials, software, etc .; the promotion of the principles of the protection of national and international heritage (according to which the values and assets belonging to the cultural heritage have the quality of the fundamental sources of the knowledge of the past and present and must be protected), the freedom of creation, the primacy of assuring the moral and material conditions for the application of the criteria evaluation, selection, promotion and affirmation of creativity and talent, the principle of cultural identity in the value chain (ensuring the protection of the national and international cultural heritage, the values of national and international spirituality); initiating and organizing competitions and festivals with charity and not only tournaments in which artists from both the country and abroad can evolve; organizing shows, concerts, gala, cultural events, sports, etc., with charity and not only, tournaments, etc. in which artists / athletes, etc., from the country and abroad, will evolve; creating databases, exhibitions and virtual museums.

Temas de integración

Esta organización está dispuesta a admitir a voluntarios que hagan frente a situaciones que dificulten su participación, de las siguientes categorías para distintos tipos de proyectos:

  • Diferencias culturales
  • Discapacidad
  • Dificultades educativas
  • Esta realización posee un sello de calidad del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad Europeo. El sello de calidad certifica que la organización organización puede ejecutar proyectos de conformidad con los principios y objetivos del Cuerpo Europeo de Solidaridad.

Área Voluntariado

Función Fecha de expiración
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 911328096 OID: E10022316

Temas de la organización

Equality and non-discrimination

Salud y bienestar

Educación física y deporte