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Accredited organisation

U Pokretu

U Pokretu

Ulica Krupska 38 , 77000, Bihać, Bosnie-Herzégovine - +38761068880

Description de l'organisation

U Pokretu is composed by international and local youngsters willing to create a community space in which implement different kind of activities.
The main aim of the organization is to promote a solidary vision of the society through different topics such as cultural, ecological, creative and sporting activities.
The main goals are:
- To promote an active citizenship through international volunteering exchanges;
- To promote social inclusion and raise awareness of the condition of refugees living in the area of intervention;
- To support local realities dealing with humanitarian aid, fundraising and distribution of basic needs to the most vulnerable groups of the population (homeless, Roma, people in transit).

Weekly regular activities: creativity workshop; language course; round table to discuss global issues; focus group to discuss local issues; sport activity,
Occasional activities: cultural events (exhibition, food festival, cultural week); supporting local volunteers helping people in transit with basic needs; ecological cleaning actions.

The target groups for both kind of activities are:
- High school students, from 15 to 18 years old and university students, workers or unemployed youngsters from the local community, up to 30 years old;
- Unaccompanied minors and youngsters living in the Temporary Reception Centers of Bihac and surroundings areas of the city center.

  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Hosting 31/12/2027
Soutien 31/12/2027
PIC: 891344059 OID: E10266146

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation

Community development

Accueil et intégration des réfugiés et des migrants

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide