Kállósemjéni Diákokért és Ifjakért Egyesület

Kállósemjéni Diákokért és Ifjakért Egyesület

Béke utca 4., 4324, Kállósemjén, Hungary

http://kdie.weebly.com - +36202141802

description of organisation

The purpose of the association:
- talent development for students and young people living in Kállósemjén and surrounding settlements from 6 to 30 years of age
- skills development
- providing its members with regular training, self-training and opportunities for sports and competitions
- the foundation of intellectual sports
- providing and promoting the conditions for intellectual sports
- organizing and conducting extra lessons and summer camps
- organization of useful leisure programs
- promoting regular exercise
- education for a healthy lifestyle
- organizing and conducting competitions
- providing its members with the opportunity for regular exercise and sports
- development, construction and maintenance of community life
- representation of common interests
- establishing and developing talent management relationships
- nurturing and passing on our folk customs, traditions and folk culture to the youth
- environmental education, environmental protection education, environmentally conscious behavior
- building international relations
- liaison with domestic and foreign organizations
- awarding scholarships and writing applications
In order to achieve the goal of the association, on the basis of an agreement, it maintains close relations with all state, social and economic organizations that promote their realization, participate in ensuring and developing the operating conditions of the association.
- Accredited excellent talent point and member of European Talent Network. We also have Erasmus+ accreditation on the field of youth.
- We run a workshop for the development of disadvantaged children with special educational needs with the support of the Directorate-General for Social Equal Opportunities.
We organize Erasmus + teacher training in 3 topics and internships for students.
Our association places great emphasis on the competence development of students. It uses a wide range of non-formal teaching methods for this. We organize camps throughout the summer to support disadvantaged students. In the camp the goal is to develop communication and social competence as well as problem-solving and algorithmic thinking and healthy lifestyle. We organize classes throughout the year where we develop students’ problem-solving thinking with logic and board games. We increase their ability to tolerate success and failure. We contribute to the development of their language, communication, and social competences. We organize domestic and international competitions and ensure the participation of our students in these competitions. Occupations and competitions develop their self-knowledge, self-confidence, they become more confident, persevering, and tolerant. Every year, we organize the national final of the National Student Competition Series in the Gomoku and International Draughts categories, which is attended by more than 150 domestic and cross-border students. We participate in International Draughts Europe and World Championships. We have coordinated and are coordinating a number of Comenius and Erasmus + projects. We cooperate with domestic and international talent points. We also have a joint project with the countries of the Visegrad Four. We consider it important that our students become acquainted with the opportunities offered by the Union, be motivated to participate in similar projects, and learn foreign languages. Get to know the culture and traditions of European countries. We maintain contact with the Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired and the group of Czech Visually Impaired Draughts Players. Thus helping to make our students more tolerant of their injured peers. In our classroom program, we use movement therapy to develop the skills of SEN students.
As an inclusive and supportive institution, we support the youth community and volunteer activities. With us, they can spend the 50 hours of community service. We support the implementation of solidarity projects for informal youth groups. We also plan to introduce young people to group volunteer activities.
The organization has been continuously developing since 2013, maintaining contact with the local government, the primary school, and other non-governmental organizations operating in the settlement (Retirement Club, Association for women, etc.), the Safe Start Children's Home, Child Welfare Service Center, churches. Local residents support our activities and many parents are volunteers in the association. Most of the young people work 50 hours of community service with us and help us to compile and implement programs in our summer camps and international projects. We run a separate club for parents, where in addition to cultivating personal relationships, we deal with the problems of the settlement, collecting ideas for the most efficient operation possible. We also share our suggestions with the representative body and the employees of the municipality. We take an active part in the life of the settlement.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирам

Role Expiry date

Lead organisation

PIC: 948629252 OID: E10041891
Last updated on 08/05/24

Organisation topics

Community development

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational and social divide

Inclusion of marginalised young people