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Accredited organisation

Auser ODV-Molfetta-ETS

Piazza Paradiso, 16, 70056, Molfetta, Italie


Description de l'organisation

"AUSER" is a non-profit voluntary association affiliated to the "Auser National Network". It was established in 1989 by the ‘’CGIL’’ and the ‘’SPI-CGIL’’ pensioners' union. It pursues its civic, solidarity and social utility goals by carrying out activities of general interest to its members, the local community and third parties, as listed below. It is recognized as a National Body with charitable purposes, and is registered in the National Register of the Associations of Social Promotion. AUSER has the status of ONLUS and it stands for ‘’autogestione servizi’’.

"Auser" is mainly committed to promoting the active aging of the elderly and enhancing their role in society. Our main focus lies primarily on the elderly, but our organization is open to building fruitful relations and dialogue between generations, nationalities, different cultures. In AUSER we believe that a person of every age can be useful for others and the society in general.
The main objectives of our organization are:
- to improve the quality of life of adults and the elderly;
- to combat all forms of social exclusion and discrimination, in particular against migrants, the elderly and women of all ages;
- to support those fragile and disadvantaged and inequalities widespread in modern society;
- to spread the culture and initiatives of solidarity and participation;
- to promote the value of experiences, skills, creativity and ideas of the elderly;
- to develop and foster relationships of solidarity and exchange with the younger generations.
In order to carry out its mission in the best possible way, Auser has decided, since 2003, to restructure itself into two distinct entities: "Auser Onlus", which mainly carries out activities of social promotion; and "National Federation of Auser Associations of Volunteering", dedicated to volunteering.

To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the activities that our association implements are:
- realization of multi-year projects where the volunteers of the association interact with elementary school children and at the same time prepare dishes of the Molfetta culinary tradition such as, for example, cuscinetti, scarcelle, focaccia, eyes of Saint Lucia, etc ...;
- "taekwondo" course. It is a project that represents the practical example of the ability to "be present in the neighborhood" with its shortcomings and difficulties. The project is a true embodiment of the will and idea to realize intergenerational relationships in practice. Auser thus wants to make a concrete contribution to guaranteeing basic children’s rights to the children of the neighborhood. In fact, in collaboration with the municipal administration, the association makes its premises available in order to create a taekwondo gym reserved for children of the neighborhood aged between 6 and 12 years. Lessons run twice a week and are carried out by a professional coach.
Other activities are abount spending time together, dancing, playing, practicing a gentle gymnastics course, organizing a choir, a theater or musical group, a manual workshop and much more in order to defeat loneliness.
Recreational and leisure activities, which make part of the Auser’s programme of social promotion, are one of the ways to prevent the fragilty and social isolation of the elderly.

Thèmes liés à l'inclusion sociale

Cette organisation est disposée à accueillir des bénévoles dont la situation complique la participation aux activités, parmi les catégories suivantes et pour différents types de projets:

  • Difficultés scolaires
  • Obstacles géographiques
  • Problèmes de santé
  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10265526

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation

Climate action, environment and nature protection

Santé et bien-être

Social assistance and welfare