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Accredited organisation

"Success Lady" Youth NGO

Raffi street 97, app.1, 0064, Yerevan, Armenien - +15089046131

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

“Success Lady” Youth NGO is non-governmental organization gathers active people who have ideas, knowledge and energy and are willing to do something significant for themselves and for society.
We don’t limit our activities and we allow people from different backgrounds to share their ideas and express freely. This helps to perform our tasks more effectively, because hereby our members are better motivated, more active and the internal atmosphere of the association is more balanced.
United around the idea of promoting social entrepreneurship, education and European awareness among the youth and generally among the society, supporting people, helping people with fewer opportunities in their social integration, making youth participation in public life more active and strengthening the principles of civil society and democracy.

The main objectives of the organization are:

• Implement a number of studies and joint training to assist local authorities on matters of public interest;
• To support mothers who has children with special needs in developing their skills
• To develop and promote social entrepreneurship
• To develop solidarity and promote tolerance among the public
• To stimulate participation of young people for involvement in activities related to personal and social development activities for social adaptation of marginalized youth communities.
• To carry out active work for sustainable social development and democratic principles to promote civil society.
• To work for action in the field of social entrepreneurship.
• To improve the welfare of disabled people and refugees – their acceptance and finding a place in a family in a circle of peers, colleagues, friends and the middle part of the community in which they live.
• Ensure including accepting and encouraging environment for children and youth with disabilities.

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Unterstützt 31/12/2027
PIC: 905449896 OID: E10020860

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Unternehmerisches Lernen und unternehmerische Bildung


Youth entrepreneurship