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Accredited organisation

Agjencia e Rinise

Agjencia e Rinise

Abdi Toptani , Torre Drini , Kati 1, 1001, Tirana, Albanien - +355682644444

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

The Youth Agency is a public body working under the authority of the Municipality of Tirana (Albania). Its main mission is the implementation of local policies in the Municipality of Tirana in youth programs involving target groups (15-30 years old). The Youth Agency has the following functions and responsibilities:

a. to organize and coordinate activities aimed at achieving local objectives in the field of youth protection and empowerment
b. to organize and provide services that support the well-being and development of young people, realizing social inclusion where young people can be involved by contributing to the implementation of different projects implemented by the Youth Agency.
c. to develop youth projects, programs and activities

d. to cooperate with local and foreign youth organizations, with the aim of engaging young people and fulfilling the mission for which they are created
e. to manage the student card process

f. to boost students’ skills in various social fields such as art, culture, education, sports and strengthening social cooperation among young students within the university, in the local community, and also among other youth groups at home and abroad.

Our work is based on the main objectives of the local youth strategy of Municipality of Tirana for 2019 – 2023 as described below:

1. Social support for young people and promotion of gender equality

2. Promotion of Informal education

3. Boosting Employment opportunities

4. Creating new youth spaces and infrastructure for youth

5. Raising awareness on EU integration topics

The main role of all the activities organized by Youth Agency is fostering youth participation and the social inclusion of young people of Tirana.
These activities affect the development of the society, but also the social, professional and personal growth of the young people.
Planned activities contribute to the improvement of the social situations where youngsters live as well also improve their competencies by participating in various activities and projects both as organizers (activists & volunteers) and beneficiaries.

Regarding the student card process, the Youth Agency administers student card which is an instrument through which a cardholder benefits various discounts offered by the services of public or private entities.
* For more information:

Our activities are implemented in close cooperation with various institutions and structures that work closely with citizens and together with young people, for young people and by young people.
Also, a key point for our Youth Agency is the connection we have with local communities mirrored in our strategic planning and the monthly contact that we have with schools, libraries, universities, TEN center and social or youth centers.
1- Close contacts with schools - (Staff of Youth Agency organize periodic meetings with high school students, where the focus is on fostering of youth participation and social inclusion and their contribution in the work with the young people, to support the community. Another project that has a positive feedback is the monthly journal ‘’Tirana Youth Voice’’, where youngsters are free to present their views and work on various topics).
2- Libraries are small spaces where youngsters organize various activities. (for example, every week Erasmus+ Office for higher education in Albania at every library of the city where every week we present to the youth the possibilities offered by Erasmus+ programs in higher education).
3- Youth Center “Ten” (The center serves as an open space for youngsters and youth organizations to implement their activities. As well, periodic meetings with youth are organized where we share information about the projects and activities organized by the Youth Agency, where they can choose which of the activities/projects they would like to commit).
Universities and GIZ – Proceed Program (One of the long-term projects of the Youth Agency is also the collaboration with the Universities, where we together create opportunities for different students, who live and study to Tirana, through the collaboration that we have with many private businesses (1000 private businesses), regarding entrepreneurship training during all the year.
4- Social centers of Municipality of Tirana where are organized various activities focused on social inclusion.

  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027
PIC: 892472848 OID: E10262614

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung
