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Accredited organisation



CALLE MILAGROS, 7, 30820, MURCIA, Spania - +34627031015

Beskrivelse av organisasjon

Obra Social Marista de Alcantarilla had its germ in 2005, when three Marist brothers and a layman arrived in Alcantarilla (Murcia) to start an educational mission with people in social exclusion in El Campico. Already in 2009 a more direct mission began in the Barrio San José Obrero where the Marist Community began to carry out its own social work, creating Obra Social Marista de Alcantarilla.

The beginnings focused on a toy library and a generic intervention with boys and girls between 16 and 29 years old, mainly from the gypsy ethnic group. From there, the proposals for young people in the neighborhood have evolved, focusing the work on developing itineraries for socio-labor insertion. Proposing different offers of suitable training and employment programs to gain access to a work activity.

• The Obra Social Marista de Alcantarilla is a state-wide non-profit organization promoted and promoted by the Congregation of the Marist Brothers to channel and support the socio-educational projects and works that are developed in the territories of the Mediterranean Province.
• It bases its style of action on the presence and education through Christian love of those most in need, childhood and youth, according to the Marist spirit of the legacy transmitted in life by its founder Saint Marcellin Champagnat.
• Its main purpose is to improve living conditions and promote personal, social and educational development of children and young people in social exclusion and risk situations, as well as their families.
• We promote open and plural societies in the religious and cultural sphere.
• We promote the growth of the ethical and transcendent dimension of the person, freedom, critical sense, justice, solidarity, coexistence and peace.
• We are committed to a formation that favors the synthesis between culture, faith and life. Mission We dream of a Social Work that:
• Promote human rights in a society in which it is possible to create channels of integration, education and development for children, youth and families in particular situations of social exclusion.
• Bet on a professionalized work identified with the mission and values ​​of the entity that strives to adapt the projects to the needs of the beneficiaries as protagonists of the process, sensitizing and making society and the ‘Marist Family’ co-responsible in the transformation.
• Be a voice in the social, educational and pastoral fields, and promote full awareness of the rights of children and youth, being recognized for our pastoral action that permeates all the activities of our works.
• Achieve schools and social works capable of being agents of social, cultural and educational change, at the forefront of pedagogical and technological innovation with an image consistent with social trends, and with an educational community involved in the life of the work.

• The vocational sense that characterizes all of our processes guarantees the involvement and voluntary participation of all of us who are part of the Welfare Projects as a sign of social commitment.
• We opted for an educational action that includes all the dimensions of the person as the center of action, welcoming them unconditionally and helping them to grow through multiple proposals and possibilities.
• We believe in solidarity as a way of acting in favor of other people disinterestedly, with joy and with the conviction that such service must transform the situations of vulnerability that certain children, youth and families of our society present.

Therefore, our fundamental lines of work are:

And to validate the professionalism of our work, since we conceive quality as a right, the entity undergoes a constant evaluation validated through the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Certificate, which proves the professionalism of our work. The scope of this certificate is valid for the management and delivery of vocational training for subsidized employment and mixed employment and training programs. The scope of activity of our entity falls within the tertiary sector, which is the economic sector that includes activities that do not produce material goods as in the primary and secondary sectors. The tertiary sector (services sector) in Spain is very important, since it employs the highest percentage of the employed labor force (approximately 70% of the employed population is employed in the service sector). This sector, therefore, is a basic pillar that sustains the Spanish economy.

  • This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato
Hosting 31/12/2027
OID: E10276344



Inclusion of marginalised young people

Key competences development