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Accredited organisation



Teryan 74, 0009 , Yerevan , Armenien - +37412585808

Beschreibung der Einrichtung

Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU) is the only higher education institution in the Republic of Armenia that prepares specialists in different degrees (bachelor, master, PhD, doctorate) in the agrarian sphere. Since its foundation, the University has played a unique role in promoting and developing the agrarian sphere in Armenia, as well as in preparing skillful and professional specialists․ The preparation of high-quality and competitive specialists is one of the main aims of the University. ANAU prepares specialists with higher education in 32 specialties․
The University has 5 faculties: Agronomy; Food Technologies; Agrarian Engineering; Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry; Agribusiness and Economics. The faculties carry out both educational and research activities, with the involvement of students and professors.
Other subdivisions of the University are:
• Department of Part-time studies
• Department of Agribusiness – The education in this Department is carried out in English and graduates receive a State Diploma from ANAU and a certificate from Texas A&M University. Department of Agribusiness provides both bachelor and master level education.
• Agricultural College after A. Kochinyan
• Base Lyceum
• Branches in Vandzor, Sisian and Gyumri– Due to these branches, ANAU promotes agricultural education in the regions of Armenia and supports the sustainability of the regions.

ANAU is heavily involved in both educational and scientific activities. Different scientific units and institutes, which are included in ANAU, carry out research activities.
There are 3 main units for research activities:
1. Scientific Research Institutes - Food Science and Biotechnology; Agriculture Mechanization and Automation; Agrarian Policy and Economics.
2. Research Centres - Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology; Voskehat Educational and Research Center of Enology; Scientific Center of Soil Science, Melioration and Agrochemistry.
3. Problem Laboratories - Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise; Laboratory of Gen-fond and Selection of Plants; Laboratory of Ecology and Organic Agriculture; Laboratory of Genetics, Selection and Feeding of Agricultural Animals; Laboratory of Pesticide Synthesis and Plant Protection.

Research and scientific units with close cooperation with Faculty staff and students implement various activities aiming to promote agriculture and solve the current issues in this area. Scientists of ANAU carry out numerous research projects on preservation and improvement of valuable varieties of crops and farm animal breeds, veterinary medicine, design of new agricultural machinery and equipment, development of effective measures to combat ecological, water and land issues, plant diseases, pests and weeds, as well as in the field of agricultural and economic issues. In recent years, university scientists have been closely cooperating with various international scientific and educational institutions.
ANAU has passed a glorious scientific and educational road, and the University is proud of its graduates who serve for the welfare and prosperity of our country.
One of the main activities of ANAU is the extension service. ANAU professors regularly meet with farmers and employees of agricultural enterprises and provide consulting services on how to eliminate the weaknesses of the agricultural sector as well as to introduce and disseminate innovative ideas and approaches in the agricultural sphere.
ANAU closely cooperates with agricultural enterprises and farmers. ANAU conducts training on the construction and operation of smart farms and slaughterhouses, implements short-term training programs for the creation and management of small and medium-sized greenhouses, as well as offers some short programs on Wine and Vine.
One of the main roles of ANAU is the creation of modern technologies, development and implementation of agricultural innovations. In the last 2 years the startup related programs, development of innovative agriculture and innovative approaches of problem-solving became more active.
In 2019 a new Agri-Tech Center was established at ANAU. Agro-Technology Center of ANAU aims to help startup companies and inspires entrepreneurs to grow by providing tech & business services, co-working space, and seed funding. IMPACT AIM ANAU AgriTech Accelerator program is designed to support science and technology-backed startups and budding entrepreneurs offering solutions to tackle challenges in the agricultural sector of Armenia and around the world.
ANAU is very active in the field of international cooperation. Former 11 Tepmus and 7 Erasmus Mundus projects were implemented at ANAU, helping to integrate ANAU into the international education area. Ongoing 4 Erasmus+ CBHE and dozen Erasmus+ ICM projects aim at capacity building and increasing the sustainability of ANAU, as well as at the implementation of students’ and staff’s mobility.


Diese Einrichtung ist zur Aufnahme von Freiwilligen bereit, deren persönliche Situation die Beteiligung an Projekten erschwert. Auswahl aus folgenden Kategorien für verschiedene Arten von Projekten:

  • Interkulturelle Probleme
  • Geldprobleme
  • Flüchtlinge
  • Dieser Organisation wurde das Qualitätssiegel des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps zuerkannt. Das Qualitätssiegel bescheinigt, dass die Organisation in der Lage ist, Projekte im Einklang mit den Grundsätzen und Zielen des Europäischen Solidaritätskorps durchzuführen.

Tätigkeit Freiwilligentätigkeit

Rolle gültig bis
Hosting 31/12/2027
Unterstützt 31/12/2027
PIC: 951898734 OID: E10132914

Schwerpunktbereiche der Einrichtung

Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei

Forschung und Innovation

Skills development