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Accredited organisation

Consorzio di Cooperative l'Arcolaio - cooperativa sociale

Consorzio di Cooperative l'Arcolaio - cooperativa sociale

Via Cristina da Pizzano, 5, 40133, Bologna, Italie


Description de l'organisation

Consorzio l’Arcolaio is a social enterprise born in 2010, thanks to the expertise of five social cooperatives active in Italy, in Emilia-Romagna region and Northern Italy, who joined together with the aim of providing assistance to vulnerable people and working with them for their social inclusion. It has a wide experience in supporting self-determination, providing educational services and promoting access to basic needs for people risking social exclusion and marginalization, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. It is involved in different projects linking public services and private sector on immigration policies, based on the implementation of multi-stakeholder, locally focused strategies. Specifically, it cooperates with the Ministry of the Interior, the National Association of Italian Municipalities, the Municipality of Bologna, the Local Public Health Services, the Local Police and Prefectures and the University of Bologna, but also with many local organisations and associations, active in the field of social inclusion. It provides a wide range of services thanks to the professionalism and expertise of its educators, social workers, psychologists, cultural-linguistic mediators, basic assistants, cultural anthropologists.

Its main activities are:

- Managing First and Second Reception Centres, providing legal support, Italian language classes and integration services for migrants, unaccompanied foreign minors, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection (with a specific focus on victims of trafficking in human beings), and promoting their access to health care, including mental health and psychological support, to labour market and housing;

- Managing Emergency Housing (flats and transitional structures) for adults and minors;

- Managing projects against discrimination and support to educational inclusion for Roma, Sinti and Caminanti People;

- Managing projects for the socio-economic and employment inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, including people with disabilities.

  • Cette organisation est titulaire d’un label de qualité du corps européen de solidarité. Le label de qualité certifie que l’organisation est en mesure de mener des projets conformément aux principes et aux objectifs du corps européen de solidarité.

Porté Volontariat

Rôle Date d'expiration
Hosting 31/12/2027
PIC: 905351829 OID: E10253215

Thèmes d'activité de l'organisation


Accueil et intégration des réfugiés et des migrants

Preventing racism and discrimination