Fiatalok a Nemzetért Alapítvány

Fiatalok a Nemzetért Alapítvány

Hunyadi utca 9., 6237, Kecel, Hungary - +36205709244

beskrivelse av organisasjon

The Young for the Nation Foundation was created by enthusiastic young people who were motivated by the desire to work for the youth. Our aim is to nurture our historical and cultural traditions, preserve the memory of our ancestors, enrich scientific and cultural life, organize and support events that serve this purpose, protect the environment and to represent the values also recognized by the European Union. In the course of our activities, we organize series of value-creating events with famous presenters throughout the country, we promote community-building events, awareness campaigns in different topics and several competitions for the young people of the Carpathian Basin. We carry out professional research concerning youth, as well as produce publications presenting our historical figures and the beauties of our country, we organize youth exchange programs and create value in social media. It is important for us - and it is also among the aims of the European Union - to increase the public activity and media awareness of young people, so our projects are partly based on these.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Frivillig arbeid

Role Utløpsdato

Lead organisation

OID: E10260179