24 RUE LA FONTAINE, 35340, LIFFRE, France - +33299683131

опис на организацијата

Liffré Cormier Communauté is a public institution for inter-municipal cooperation. It has several compulsory and optional skills, including Youth Information, which is an integral part of the Culture Enfance Jeunesse Sports cluster.
The Youth Info Service was created in March 2021 in response to the strong desire of elected officials of the territory to get involved in favour of young people.
The Youth Info Service (SIJ) is a place of listening, information, advice and expression for young people.
It is aimed primarily at young people between the ages of 15 and 25 to find answers and advice on many topics such as housing, health, international mobility, etc.
Thus, its main tasks are:
Information: international mobility, access to rights, training, health, commitment, employment... the SIJ informs young people about everything that concerns them. Many tools are available to professionals to facilitate information. They are regularly reviewed, checked and updated by professionals, thus ensuring quality, neutrality and reliability.
Commitment: The YIS promotes access to information for young people and encourages them to get involved. In particular, it facilitates the implementation and promotion of youth projects.
Partnership: SIJ has a strong partnership with local schools (high schools, colleges) but also with associations and youth structures. In the context of international mobility, the Liffré Cormier European Association is a strong partner of the SIJ.

This organisation holds a European Solidarity Corps Quality Label. The Quality Label certifies that the organisation is able to run projects in compliance with the principles and objectives of the European Solidarity Corps.

Scope Волонтирање

Role Датум на истекување
OID: E10304016