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Europejski Korpus Solidarności

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Vitamin T 17


A.C.T.O.R. - Asociatia Culturala pentru Teatru si Origami din Romania

Bucharest, Rumunia


If you are interested in being a volunteer in the field of performing arts for art-education and clinic animation, this is your dream project! There will be two flows: flow n.1 1.08.17- 1.02.18; flow n. 2 1.02.18-1.08.18. The main goal is to involve 7 EVS volunteers from EU countries for each flow to develop cooperation between different stakeholders involved in education to promote arts, especially the performing arts in education and in therapy to all partners’ local communities working with and for disadvantaged kids in Bucharest, promoting an active participation and volunteering attitude, the cultural diversity and the EU values to young generations of the hosting and sending communities involved in the project. Activities: - Performances and artistic events for disadvantaged kids and youth; - Clinical animation for ill and disadvantaged kids; - Socio-cultural animation for kids in schools and kindergartens; - Promotion of volunteering for youth and teenagers.

Zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie i transport

You will live in a flat rented for volunteers. The flats are provided with everything you need. Wireless internet access is provided. Cleaning the house is your job. Every volunteer will receive 120€ per month for food. In the common kitchen you can prepare food yourself. Other 60€ per month will be your pocket money. In total you will receive 180 Euro per month. You will receive a bus-ticket per month for the whole city of Bucharest, monthly metro ticket and a phone card of the value of 10€.

Szkolenie w trakcie działania

During the first weeks you will receive some trainings regarding the methods to use for developing clinic animation activities in hospitals and sociocultural animation activities in schools, in order to be prepared for the following activities, but also other specific trainings such as origami, puppetry and shadow theatre trainings. You will also receive Romanian lessons by a very good teacher trained to work with youngsters with non-formal methods.

Profil uczestnika

Volunteers must be young people (18-30 years old) motivated to experiment a non formal learning process in Romanian local community for social causes and then hopefully to export what learnt to their country local communities. No prior experience is required on the project topic. Candidate profile: motivated to volunteer and have an intercultural experience, adaptable and flexible, unemployed or at risk of being unemployed, open-minded, creative, with average knowledge of English, and emotionally balanced.

Daty projektu

Od 01/07/2018 do 27/08/2018

Miejsce realizacji projektu

STRADA DOINA 13-17 BL 1 SC B ET 1 AP 17 SECTOR 5, Bucharest, Rumunia

Wolontariat indywidualny

Poszukujemy uczestników z krajów:

Austria, Estonia, Hiszpania, Francja, Włochy, Litwa, Portugalia

Tematy projektu

Termin składania zgłoszeń

Termin zgłoszeń: 01/05/2018 23:59