Faces of culture - work in a library

Faces of culture - work in a library

Biblioteka Publiczna Gminy Pomiechówek

Pomiechowek, Poland

1 , Closed

Опис на проектот

Public Library of Pomiechowek Commune lends books and organise cultural and educational activities related to reading. Its target group includes inhabitants and visitors of the commune who are at different ages. The volunteer will be involved in activities for children, organisation of meetings and events for different age groups and developing questing project. The volunteer will also run own activities based on his/her experience and skills. Pomiechówek Commune has around 9000 inhabitants whereas Pomiechówek village itself around 3000. The village is located 45 km from Warsaw and has residential character, however in summer it turns to a popular destination for local tourists. Pomiechowek Commune offers possibility for sunbathing and playing at the river, doing kayak or bicycle trips and walk in the forest. In the village there is lower and upper secondary school, a library, a culture centre and a sport centre as well as some shops and bars.


Сместување, храна и транспорт

Accommodation: 2 volunteers will live in a house shared with its owners. They will stay in a flat on the first floor whereas the owners live on the ground floor. Their part of the house has its own kitchen and bathroom. Food: the volunteer will receive about 95 EUR for food per month and will have to cook her-/himself. We expect that the volunteer will cook rather than eat in bars/restaurants. Transport: work place is within a walking distance from the house. International travel: reimbursement up to 275 EUR


Обуки за време на проектот

Language training: Online Language Support for Polish language, basic level Task-related training (mission and working methods in the library, questing) General EVS training (EVS programme, non-formal learning, problem solving, intercultural training)


Профил на вололнтер

- interested in literature, - friendly, making relationship with people easily and willing to work with people at different age (from children to seniors), - communicative English, - independent and ready to have own ideas and initiative, - reliable and diligent, - motivated to work as a volunteer (no paid work nor studies are allowed during your project) and willing to learn, - ready to dialogue and cooperation in case of conflict situations.


Како да аплицираш

Contact the sending organisation for more information on application procedure.


Поврзани линкови

Library in PomiechowekVolunteer from the library on the EVS blog

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Датуми на проектот

Во вкупен број од 52 недели во времетраење од 01/09/2017 до 31/08/2018

Локација на проектот

Kilinskiego 3, 05-180 Pomiechowek Poland

Бараме волонтери од


Теми на проектот

Креативност и култура

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Краен рок на аплицирање

No application deadline


Name: Mélissa Nouguier

Phone: +33 4 72 60 97 56

Организација домаќин

Biblioteka Publiczna Gminy Pomiechówek

Pomiechówek, Полска

Организација испраќач


Lyon, Франција

Организација координатор