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Corpo europeo di solidarietà

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EVS with disabled people - Volunteers from Poland


Associação QE - Uma Nova Linguagem para a Incapacidade

Abrunheira, Portugal, Portogallo


Associação Qe is a teaching/residential complex for mentally disabled persons over 16, comprising a pedagogical centre (for residents and non residents) and a residential centre (for permanent, temporary or occasional use). The activities of Associação Qe are based upon art studios, therapeutical activities and professional activities simulators that gather companies (Professional partners) of the various sectors of the economy in a concept of integrated development. Actually we have two professional curriculums available: Food and Beverage/ restocking of goods and Gardening/Animals. Qe uses Gentle Teaching, an Intervention Philosophy, based upon the human interdependence psychology. TASKS: Pedagogical Centre: -support daily pedagogical activities: art workshops, sports & therapeutical activities, professional simulators -create/ develop new activities ( workshop). -help with the meals Residential Area: -support daily activities: eating, leisure activitie

Alloggio, vitto e trasporto

ProAtlântico provides €150,00 monthly for food and extra expenses (eg. cleaning materials) during non-working time. Volunteer can use the food money to buy food, cook in the apartment, eat in a restaurant, etc). During working time the receiving organization provides meals in the organization which is based on a Mediterranean diet. ProAtlântico provides accommodation in apartment (with 6/8 volunteers in total), University residence, hostel or hosting family, Casa Europa, multiple bedroom with fully equipped kitchen,toilet, laundry facilities and living room.

Formazione durante l'attività

ProAtlântico will support the volunteers in the learning of portuguese. During the project, volunteers will have different trainings (work with children, Youthpass, etc) Volunteers will participate in trainings promoted by National Agency.

Profilo del partecipante

Volunteers must be: -very human, -self motivated, -proactive, -creative, -with handwork skills, -very flexible

Data dell'attività

Dal 01/10/2017 al 27/09/2018

Luogo dell'attività

Abrunheira, Portugal, Portogallo

Volontariato individuale

Cercasi partecipanti da

Polonia, Portogallo

Argomenti dell'attività

Termine per la presentazione delle candidature

Termine di presentazione delle domande: 15/07/2017 23:59