Re-imagine Roma

Re-imagine Roma


Gracanica NN, Kosovo * UN resolution

2 , Closed


Imaginatorium is an alternative educational center in Roma mahala in Gračanica/Graçanicë, which offers different programmes that provide necessary space, tools and materials, offer experience and support from adults, and all with aim to create opportunities and therefore motivate and interest participants in further education and lifelong learning. Volunteers will be working five days a week, with Roma children aged 3 - 20, and will create and realize programme where languages, maths, arts, nature, music and different crafts  explore the creativity of kids. Technology lessons and movie screening for children, are also part of the current practise. The tasks of volunteers will be to coordinate Imaginatorium, spend time with children, teach and help them, create new programmes for future of Imaginatorium...


Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

Volunteers will be living in Gračanica/Graçanicë Roma mahala (settlement), in a house that will be shared with other volunteers and that is close to Imaginatorium. House has all necessary conditions, including heating system (on wood), running water, bathroom, kitchen, living and sleeping room. Food will be vegetarian, seasonal and as local as possible. Volunteers will be cooking for themselves in their house. Gračanica/Graçanicë is easily reachable with buses and for local transport the volunteer will get a bike.


Fortbildung im Rahmen des Projekts

Volunteers will have an opportunity to take part in training courses, seminars and workshops on diverse topics such as non-formal education, coordination of international voluntary workcamp, environmental issues, permaculture, human rights etc.



The most important is motivation to work with children. We are looking for volunteers with creativity, new ideas for Imaginatorium, lots of energy,  and patience for children. Volunteers should be flexible and open minded, tolerant to with people with fewer opportunities with different backgrounds and affected by different problems. We welcome skills and talents that can improve existing progr am quality or create new one.. Willingness to learn languages of the community would also be included.



Send an email to  with subject: EVS in Imaginatorium and include your CV and specific motivation letter for this project. Also, if you have previous experience with working with kids - include some details in your motivation letter. Only canditates from program countries.


Links zum Thema

GAIA web page - about ImagiantoriumFB Imaginatorium

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.


Insgesamt 30 Woche(n) im Zeitraum 01/06/2022 bis 31/01/2023


Gracanica NN, 10500 Gracanica NN Kosovo * UN resolution

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Roma und/oder andere Minderheiten

Kreativität und Kultur

Vorzeitiger Schulabbruch/Vermeidung von Schulversagen


Keine Bewerbungsfrist


Name: Helena Poucki

Phone: +386 49 819573



PRISTINA, Kosovo * UN resolution