Make Europe Grow

Make Europe Grow

Association Centre Social L'Orange Bleue

Clichy-sous-bois, France

1 , Closed

Опис на проектот

The volunteer that wants to receive the Settlement "l'Orange Bleue" will have the mission to participate to family actions and also to animate recreationnal pedagogical and/or gaming activities for different kind of people (young children, children, families, old people, etc.). She/he could integrate existing actions to familiarize with working methods of the association or to elaborate her/himself new projects in different fields.


Сместување, храна и транспорт

The volunteers will be accomodated in a common accomodation close to the location of each partner. The particularity of the project is also a tool that helps to develop mutual aid, solidarity and exchange between volunteers. The association will provide a budget to finance food needs of the volunteer and a valid transport pass for the entire period of european service to allow free travels in the region. And, to help the volunteer, each week a bag of food will be given to him/her, and for ponctual travels, tutors can drive volunteer where he/she have to go.


Обуки за време на проектот

To support the volunteer throughout his volunteer's experience, it will set up a double tutoring. Intially and in civilian life, the volunteer will be accompanied by an passed EVS now employed as animator. He will be present to assist in all matters of daily life, administrative process but also in the discovery of the territory and its social features (leisures, cultural centers, shopping, etc.). In a second step, the Coordinator of childhood sector will be attentive and present to the professional integration of the person but also its participation in the life of the structure.


Профил на вололнтер

The EVS's mission is directed towards to social mediation, family accompanyment and animation (specially boardgaming animation), then it may be useful that the volunteer likes human relationship, supporting different kind of people and creating sociocultural projects and social link between people. However, the primary criteria for selecting a volunteer does not apply on specific skills but rather on the motivation of the person to integrate the Settlement, to meet a diverse population and more generally, to discovery a new culture, a new country and to develop his knowlegde.


Како да аплицираш

Sends us an email with your CV and a covering letter (in French, English and/or Spanish).


Дополнителни информации

The association have a big project to develop a Toy Library for all the neighbourhood, that's why this project could be a real opportunity for people who like boardgames, toys and other games ! Преведи

Поврзани линкови

Centre social l'Orange Bleue Facebook

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Датуми на проектот

Во вкупен број од 52 недели во времетраење од 01/09/2018 до 31/08/2019

Локација на проектот

22 allée Frédéric Ladrette, 93390 Clichy-sous-bois France

Бараме волонтери од


Теми на проектот

Креативност и култура

Краен рок на аплицирање

Краен рок на аплицирање: 30/09/2018


Name: Patrick BALTAZAR

Организација домаќин

Association du Centre Social du Bas-Clichy l'Orange Bleue


Организација испраќач

Escola de Tempo Libre Don Bosco

Santiago de Compostela, Шпанија

Организација координатор


Pavillons sous Bois, Франција