AD AGIO - Pathways for promoting the ease in educational contexts

AD AGIO - Pathways for promoting the ease in educational contexts

ConTatto CEMEA Veneto onlus

Padova, Italy

4 , Closed

Опис на проектот

The project is hosted by ConTatto CEMEA Veneto onlus, a no-profit social cooperative active in Padua, Italy. The volunteers will be involved in activities with the common aim to promote ease and educative wealth among different target groups. We propose 4 paths in which volunteers will participate: 1) Play Time at “Casa InConTra”, an educational community center that hosts mothers with their children who are living a difficult period of their existence: facilitate activities to promote social and multicultural inclusion; 2) “Educational paths in the territory”: develop educational activities in the territory of Cadoneghe, such as the socio-cultural centre and playground, with minors, adolescents, young people, adults, families; 3) “Promoting wellbeing in the classroom”: co-support educators and teachers to carry out non formal education workshops in several 1st and 2nd-grade schools in Padua; 4) “A quality leisure time”: animation activities with children & youngsters


Сместување, храна и транспорт

The volunteers will accommodate in an apartment rent by ConTatto CEMEA Veneto in the city center of Padua in via Michele San Micheli near Prato della Valle (in a very central position). Volunteers will be able to have meals in the canteen of community center “casa In-Con-Tra”, with other mothers, children and care-givers. Furthermore they will receive a monthly amount of 180 € to go shopping on their own. They also will be provided with a basic set for cooking. Volunteers will benefit from a bike, bus/train tickets, use car sharing with other staff for destinations outside the city.


Обуки за време на проектот

Every volunteer will be helped in finding her/his specific path. The first two months will be dedicated in discovering the different activities and proposals carried on by ConTatto CEMEA Veneto, after the 3rd month volunteers can be more autonomous in their activities and they can start with their individual path. EVS training cycles The volunteer will take part to all activities foreseen in the EVS training and evaluation cycle in the hosting country and to the EVS annual meeting one time he/she came back from the project, organized by the sending and hosting National Agencies.


Профил на вололнтер

An attitude of research: a motivation in discovering in which proposal volunteers would be most involved and in searching their own path during trainings and activities. Flexibility: open to pursue different missions with different targets, in different moments of the day and of the week. Also mental flexibility and curiosity in order to experiment on their own active education methods (play and produce games, sing, dance, draw, paint, act dramatic games, manual activities, etc...). Preference will be given to candidates who have already been engaged in a volunteering context.


Како да аплицираш

Send us an email with your CV and a motivation letter.


This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Датуми на проектот

Во вкупен број од 40 недели во времетраење од 01/10/2018 до 31/10/2019

Локација на проектот

via F.lli Boscardin 9, 35129 Padova Italy

Бараме волонтери од

Франција, Португалија, Шпанија

Теми на проектот

Нови иновативни курикулуми/методи во образованието/ развивање на обуки и курсеви

Рано напуштање на училиштето / борба против неуспешноста во образованието

Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning

Краен рок на аплицирање

Краен рок на аплицирање: 18/09/2018


Name: Federico Marchetto

Организација домаќин

ConTatto - Cemea Veneto Società Cooperativa Sociale - Onlus

PADOVA, Италија

Организација испраќач

CEMEA Centre (association régionale des Centres d'Entraînement aux Méthodes d'Education Active) - Antenne de Chartres

CHARTRES, Франција


LISBOA, Португалија


ALZIRA, Шпанија

Организација координатор


ROMA, Италија