Awake Istria

Awake Istria

Sunny Hill, sustainable culture of living

Gračišče, Slovenia

1 , Full

Description du projet

Volunteering in Sunny Hill can be life changing experience for a person, that would like to experience community life in luxurious simplicity by living and working with us and at the same time help the local community to awaken dormant potential of this beautiful area. The program involves development of a new hiking trail and help with organic food production on our permaculture garden. The volunteers will discover possible points of interest along the trail, photograph them, describe them, map them, set up the internet presentation and meet orgaic farmers along the way that will offer food and shelter to hikers. The volunteers will have an opportunity to learn  about organic food production.  They will help on our permaculure garden as well as to other organic farmers in the area. Aim of the project is to bring new sustainable opportunities to depopulated area in Istrian hinterland.


Modalités d'hébergement, de restauration et de transport

The volunteers will live in a community house with 12 members of the community and occasional visitors and woofers. Two EVS volunteers will have separate rooms and will share bathroom and kitchen with other community members. We cook mostly vegetariand food, however we don't restrict visitors to eat according to their needs and taste. The place is connected with the coastal town Koper by bus. We have car pool in the organisation and volunteer with valid driving licence can also borrow a car.


Profil du volontaire

We look for a French volunteer that is interested in community living and sustainability. They like nature and don't mind to get their hands dirty. They are communicative and curious, ready to step out of their comfort zone in order to learn something new. Needs to be in good physical form as long walks are part of the project. Needs to be self motivated and self organised as daily rutine changes according to needs of the project. Good health condition for long walks up to 20km and Skills like photography, text writing and building internet pages are helpful, but not necessary.


Comment poser sa candidature

If you, who read this text are interested to join us, please contact us: and we'll send you an application form. Please note: the EVS programi s only available for applicants from the programm countries (see Erasmus+ guide).


Informations supplémentaires

You will join a community with 12 members of very different ages: from 25 - 72, however most of them are young people between 25 and 35. There are two young families with babies 2 and 9 months old, 2 dogs and 2 cats, we also have chickens. We share kitchen and bathrooms, cook together, use compost toilets and live in luxurious simplicity. You will have your own room. We expect you to engage in household tasks equally to other members. The place is quite remote, so driving licence is an advantage if you'd like to move around in the area. Traduire

Liens connexes

Sunny Hills of Istria

This opportunity is offered in the frame of an Erasmus+ volunteering project and will be confirmed as soon as funding is approved.
For further information on the status of the project, please get in touch with the organisation.

Dates du projet

Un total de 31 semaine(s) entre 01/03/2019 et 30/09/2019

Lieu du projet

Topolovec 29, 6272 Gračišče Slovenia

Recherche des volontaires de


Thèmes du projet

Développement rural et urbanisation

Agriculture, sylviculture et pêche

Dimension et coopération régionales

Délai de dépôt de candidature

Délai de dépôt de candidature: 01/04/2019


Name: Manja VRENKO

Phone: +386 40 299 667

Organisation d'accueil

Sončni Grič, društvo za trajnostno kulturo bivanja, Hrvoji

Gračišče, Slovénie

Organisation d’envoi


Clermont l'Hérault, France

Organisation coordinatrice

Sončni Grič, društvo za trajnostno kulturo bivanja, Hrvoji

Gračišče, Slovénie