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Europäisches Solidaritätskorps

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SKE Avgorou

Council of Community Volunteerism of Avgorou -Acronym SKE Avgorou

Avgorou, Zypern


Participants: 8 young people 18-30 from Italy, Spain , Portugal, Ireland, Latvia Duration of Voluntary Service: 8 months ( start date :02/05/2019, end date: 31/12/2019) Venue: Avgorou Community, located in Famagusta District, Cyprus. Project topics:• Creativity and Culture• Health and wellbeing• Healthy Lifestyle-Active aging. Aim of the Project : to give the opportunity to young volunteers from European and non European Countries to offer their voluntary services by participating in all activities of our organization.Promoting multiculturalism, fighting of racism and discrimination of sex, religion, culture, nation etc.Also with their integration and acceptance in the community the spirit of solidarity and dialogue between youth from different cultural background.Subject: Voluntary service to infants, children,elderly by helping in improving their quality of life , in school and day care.Informal learning is also aimed by these activities.

Beitrag zu Unterbringung, Verpflegung und Reisekosten

Volunteers accommodation: House in Avgorou Community Food arrangements are covered by the Hosting organization.( Preparing and giving lunch 5 days a week, giving monthly food allowance to each volunteer for other meals for weekends and holidays) Transport arrangements: To the venue : Travel tickets to the venue will be arranged from the Hosting organization, in communication with the Sending Organization and the participants To the projects: Bicycles to the participants to use to go to their voluntary service placements.

Fortbildung im Rahmen der Tätigkeit

On Arrival training and Midterm Training , by the National Agency of Cyprus.


Young people from 18-30 years old, that didn't participated in a long term evs project before. We need youth to be willing to offer their voluntary service to Children and old people , patient, friendly, with energy and open to new challenges. To take initiatives and be cooperative with other volunteers , the staff and all organizational members. As additional competence will take place if the volunteer has also experience in other voluntary services.


Von 02/05/2019 bis 31/12/2019


10,Agiou Georgiou Avion str,, Avgorou, Zypern

Individuelle Freiwilligentätigkeit

Gesucht werden Teilnehmer/innen aus

Spanien, Irland, Italien, Lettland, Portugal

Themen der Aktivität


Bewerbungsfrist: 02/03/2019 23:59