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Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius : "Sustainable and Circular Textiles"

Visual of policy dialogue: Sustainable and Circular Textiles with Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius @© European Union, 2023

25/01/2023 15:00

25/01/2023 16:30

Közép-európai idő (Central European Time, CET)

Rue de la Loi, 200, 1049, Brussels, Belgium

Textiles are the fabric of everyday life. We use them in clothes and furniture, medical and protective equipment, buildings and vehicles. However, urgent action is needed as their impact on the environment continues to grow. EU consumption of textiles has on average the fourth highest impact on the environment and climate.

Want to tackle that challenge? Want to learn about the EU strategy for sustainable and circular textiles and action being taken on the ground by young people?  
That was the subject of this Youth Dialogue, where a group of 14 young designers, influencers, European Climate Pact Ambassadors, and other environmental activists discussed the topic in an open dialogue with Virginijus Sinkevičius, EU Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries.   

Contributing to the legacy of the European Year of Youth, the Dialogue was part of the launch of the Commission’s ReSet the Trend - #ReFashionNow communication campaign, aiming to raise public awareness of the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles and its environmental, social, economic, health-related benefits. The campaign invites citizens, in particular young Europeans, to become role models and to make fast fashion out of fashion. 
Join us to ReSet the Trend ! 

Did you miss the live discussion? Don't worry, you can watch the recorded version by accessing the European Commission live stream page

Interested in learning more? Here’s what the EU is doing.

Take aways from the Dialogue

  1. The economic sustainability of the textile industry's ecological transition: It is important to put in place facilities and financial instruments to promote sustainable innovation and to cater for the potential loss of competitiveness of the textile industry, especially for start-ups led by young people who do not have much venture capital.
  2. Conceptions about sustainable fashion that need to change: misconceptions such as fashion is superficial, and that sustainable fashion is too expensive, not affordable, or not aesthetic enough are widespread among consumers. These conceptions must change if we want to transform the consumption patterns and mindsets of people. Young people have a key role to play here, to appeal to and understand the needs of different generations. This is what the ReSet the Trend campaign is about – engaging consumers, especially young Europeans in becoming role models and making fast fashion out of fashion.
  3. Ways of production of companies outside the EU, compliance with human rights and environmental standards: environmental and social sustainability must go hand in hand. Most of the textiles we consume are imported from outside Europe. The EU Textiles strategy has to address challenges linked to human and labour rights and the EU must work with non-EU countries and companies to make sure they respect fundamental human and labour rights and environmental and climate protection, using both policies, trade and its commercial power.
A részvétel jellege Hibrid (online és személyes jelenléten alapuló) tevékenység
Kezdődik 25/01/2023 15:00
Záró dátum 25/01/2023 16:30
Időzóna Közép-európai idő (Central European Time, CET)
Szervező European Commission
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