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MBSC Cycling Classes for Youth

Matra Biker Sport Club logo @Mátra Biker Sport Club

01/09/2022 16:30

27/07/2023 18:00

[GMT] Greenwichin yleisaika

The youth development of Mátra Biker Sport Club (MBSC) started in September 2021. The MBSC youth team members practice the basics of amateur and competitive cycling under the guidance of experienced coaches during training sessions while learning the secrets of responsible and safe cycling.

Classes run every Thursday afternoon from 4.30 pm to 6 pm, from the beginning of September until the end of July.

We engage local schools to become active supporters of cycling. The MBSC youth team is a mountain biking team comprised of school students in grades 5-10. This is a unique primary school team environment. We provide any student-athlete the opportunity and access to enjoy the sport of mountain biking during our biking classes every Thursday, once a week in Gyöngyössolymos, Hungary. All our coaches have extensive cycling experience and teaching skills. We help our students discover what makes them excited about riding, while teaching them skills for biking and the world beyond in a safe, encouraging environment.

We have mountain bike, adventure, trail, gravel and free rides for those students who are just here to have fun on bikes. Students have the opportunity to take part in races. Racing is optional but encouraged. Students who wish to compete have opportunities to race all over Hungary.

We strive to teach riders that biking is a life-long activity for good health, to develop a connection to the outdoors and to enjoy nature with their families and friends.

If required, we provide MERIDA bicycles for training and competitions.

Girls and boys, all abilities are welcome!

We strive for safety and fun above all other factors. Students must wear approved helmets and appropriate safety gear at all times.



Organizer: Mátra Biker Sport Club
non-profit sports organization, Hungary


Toimintaa koskevat tiedot
Toiminnan muoto Kasvokkain
Aloituspäivä 01/09/2022 16:30
Päättyy 27/07/2023 18:00
Aikavyöhyke [GMT] Greenwichin yleisaika
Järjestäjä Mátra Biker Sport Club
Järjestäjän verkkosivusto
Sähköpostiosoite yhteydenottoja varten
Kohdeikäryhmä 13 tai nuorempi; 14-17
Toiminnan kieli unkari
Toiminnan tyyppi Koulutustilaisuus
Toiminnan aiheet Eurooppalaiset arvot; Nuoret maailmassa; Terveys, hyvinvointi ja urheilu; Koulutus
Ilmoittautuminen/varaukset Varaus pakollinen – ks. lisätietoja
Toimintaan liittyvät nuorisotavoitteet Kaikkien sukupuolten välinen yhdenvertaisuus; Osallistavat yhteiskunnat; Mielenterveys ja hyvinvointi; Kestävä vihreä Eurooppa; Nuorisojärjestöt ja eurooppalaiset ohjelmat
Liittyy Euroopan tulevaisuuskonferenssiin Ei
Osallistujen määrä (arvio) 15