‘Mission AGAPE’ by the SOS4love Project: Cosmic Youth Actions on the UN SDGs for Peace in Europe & the World

09/06/2022 06:00
18/12/2022 06:00
[CET] srednjeevropski čas
wifi_tethering SOS4love Project
Aghias Paraskevis 107 & Plastira 2, 15234, Athens, Grčija
‘Mission AGAPE’
by the SOS4love Project:
Cosmic Youth Actions on the UN SDGs
for Peace in Europe & the World
‘European Year of Youth 2022’
by the European Parliament
(by 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO)
Cosmic & transformative SDGs Youth Actions
from Europe to Space and internationally
on the energy of higher LOVE,
utilizing Space as a Canvas for Peace on Earth
in the Shadow of the War in Ukraine & Nuclear Threat
The implications of the devastating war in Ukraine and Russia’s increased nuclear threats that extend to every aspect of global sustainability, reinforce the necessity for European and international solidarity in bold peace-building actions. New UNICEF report 2021 presents that suicide is the second leading cause among young people in Europe, with almost one in five European boys aged 15 to 19 suffering from mental disorders (more than 16 percent of girls) and a total of nine million adolescents in Europe (1 to 19) are living with mental disorders like anxiety and depression. Schools are ideal vehicles through which to facilitate access to healing support, like an investment in values-based Pedagogy of higher LOVE (higher love called ‘AGAPE’ by the ancient Greeks, expressing the highest form of unconditional Love for everything/one) to cultivate compassion, forgiveness and high morals, empowering wellbeing, inclusion and peace through transformative SDGs Youth-led actions, which is now an urgency to address the current crisis promoting metal health, sustainability and peace.
Extraordinary Global Challenges Demand Extraordinary
Global Collaborative SDGs Actions
As Europe more than ever needs a clear Vision, engagement and participation of young people to build a better, more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable future, honoring ‘European Youth Year 2022’ by the European Parliament, the SOS4Love Project by 3Dlexia Cosmos (www.sos4loveproject.org - launched in the UN Geneva Peace Week 2017, Winner of Greece Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHIfM2FZK8E ) initiates the global action ‘Mission AGAPE’, connecting Youth and Educators of Europe with the international community on innovative, cosmic UN SDGs actions, empowering more #Space4SDGs, #Pedagogy4love and #StandWithUkraine for Peace on earth through collaboration with ESA (European Space Agency) and ISS (International Space Station).
‘Mission AGAPE’: a synergy of 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO & the ‘I love dyslexia’ EFL school in Athens, Greece, the Ministry of Education of Tucuman, Argentina & OLYMPIASPACE Foundation, Switzerland, in collaboration with diverse authorities all over the globe acting for Peace
The award-winning, futurist edu-inventor Aggeliki Pappa, candidate citizen astronaut, founder and President of 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO in Athens Greece together with marginalized students carrying the ‘out of the box’ brain of dyslexia (creators of the SOS4Love Project launched in the UN, winner of Greece for the Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021) unite with the Ministry of Education of Tucuman Argentina and the Minister Juan Pablo Lichtmajer along with Olympia Kyriopoulos, founder of OLYMPIASPACE & OLYMPIASPACE Foundation, Switzerland, to foster connection on SDGs cosmic actions through ‘Mission AGAPE’ by SOS4love Project, connecting more than half a million youth from Europe and the world for cosmic, innovative SDGs actions for a peaceful new Europe and earth.
As mentioned in ESA Manifesto 2022 presented by the heroic astronaut Luca Parmitano, space projects have received world support thanks to their peaceful purpose and the universal apperception of the values they represent for a harmonious living on earth. The necessary, consistent international cooperation to achieve the global goals is an incentive fueled by the unique ability of space to inspire humans to work and live in space peacefully, achieving what was previously thought impossible. In this way, space as a canvas of peace and resilience for making all possible, is one of the most powerful motivators for younger generations, showing to young Europeans and all that they can be anything if they only dream and act ambitiously and collaboratively as the architects of a new future of wellbeing and Peace on earth for ALL.
In this line, in ‘Mission AGAPE’ European youth facilitated by educators collaborate with international youth and teachers and connect with ESA & ISS astronauts to bring space and include the cosmic perspective through transformative SDGs actions for Peace, inspiring humanity with the feeling of the interconnection of everything and its implications for new luminous earth for All, in a time of a huge global crisis.
The Goal of ‘Mission AGAPE’ for Peace in Europe and the world: Empoweing #Space4SDGs #Pedagogy4love #StandWithUkraine
PER ASPERA AD ASTRA - The Youth of Europe and the World with Eyes to Space and Feet on the Ground, Acting Together on all SDGs for a Future of Peace
As the famous dyslexic Albert Einstein said: ‘The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” In this line, ‘Mission AGAPE’ envisions to inspire, enabling, strengthen, unite and activate youth and educators globally to achieve a shift in their perspective and expansion of consciousness through more inclusive, space-led collaborative SDGs actions, to transform the mindset of the humanity inspired by the feeling of Oneness the cosmic perspective emits. Through Yuri Gagarin’s words: ‘Looking at the earth from a far you realize that it is too small for conflict and just big enough for cooperation’, Socrates’ words: ‘Those who are the hardest to love need it the most’ and Aristotle's words: ‘It is not enough to win a war, it is more important to organize peace’, ‘Mission AGAPE places vulnerable youth with special needs at the front line of positive change and in collaboration with typical youth become active citizens for a new Europe and world of inclusion, wellbeing and Peace. ‘Mission AGAPE’ challenges youth and humanity to ‘see’ the good in everything and gives them the platform facilitated by their educators, to creatively and collaboratively utilize their higher heart/mind energy acting for a future of Peace, to address our most intractable challenges and their solutions, serving the ultimate vision of AGAPE in the world. To achieve this, ‘Mission AGAPE’ by the SOS4love Project (endorsed by the active ROSCOSMOS Cosmonauts, the ISS current Commander Oleg Artemyev and former NASA Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf Lindenburger in the UN Geneva Peace Week 2021) envisions to connect with ESA astronauts to offer an extraordinary, dynamic cosmic SDGs experience to European and international youth to embark SDGs Cosmic Actions with a radical new unified vision of AGAPE on Earth, fueling transformative action to shape a new future of humanity on the horizon of Peace.
‘Mission AGAPE’: Action Timeline June 9th 2022 to December 2022
June 9th
Official 1st Announcement/Presentation of ‘Mission AGAPE’
Honorary event/campaign with the physical presence of the Greek Youth Ambassadors of ‘Mission AGAPE’, students with dyslexia and special needs, honoring ‘European Youth Year 2022’ with the 1st official public announcement of ‘Mission AGAPE’, presenting its leading European and Global Ambassadors and scope in the premises of 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO and the award-winning ‘I love dyslexia’ EFL school (ILD) in Athens, Greece.
Messages congratulating Youth & Educators who initiate and participate in ‘Mission AGAPE’ by the SOS4love Project on SDGs actions for Peace in Europe & the world, honoring ‘European Youth Year 2022’ by:
- ‘Mission AGAPE’ Youth Ambassadors from Greece, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Africa, USA, Indonesia, India, including the ILD EFL school students Alexandra Stamatopoulou, Tokyo Paralympic Winner, World Champion in Swimming
- Aggeliki Pappa, 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO, Athens
- Juan Pablo Lichtmajer, Minister of Education of Tucuman, Argentina
- Olympia Kyriopoulos, OLYMPIASPACE & OLYMPIASPACE Foundation
- Mrs Konstantina Pisli, National Coordinator of European Youth Year 2022, Greece
- Mayor of Athens, Kostas Bakoyiannis
- ESA and Space representatives
- Andreas Schleicher, Director General OECD
- Alexis Georgoulis, Stelios Kypriopoulos, Manolis Kefalogiannis, MPs Greece, European Parliament
- IONS, Institute of Noetic Scientists representative
September 2022
Preparation trainings of ‘Mission AGAPE’ Advisory Team and Ambassadors
- SIGN Up for youth and educators for the opening period for ‘Mission AGAPE’ SDGs actions by SOS4Love project
- Virtual training session of the ‘Mission AGAPE’ Leading European and International Youth & Educators Advisory Team / Presentation of the Interactive Virtual ART & Technology Gallery ‘Mission AGAPE’, as an innovative pedagogical tool to inspire Youth SDGs Actions for Peace, empowering #Space4SDGs and #Pedagogy4love
- Virtual training session of a step by step action guide for ‘Mission Agape’ to European and International Youth and Educators participants, active SDGs Ambassadors of ‘Mission Agape’ / Presentation of the Interactive Virtual ART & Technology Gallery ‘Mission AGAPE’ as an innovative
pedagogical tool to inspire Youth SDGs Actions for Peace, empowering #Space4SDGs and #Pedagogy4love
October to December 2022
a) Grand Opening of ‘Mission AGAPE’ by Youth & Educators visit at ESA, EAC Germany
b) Initiation of the 8-Week SDGs Action period of ‘Mission AGAPE’
c) Closing event of ‘Mission AGAPE’ through Youth & Educators visit in the European Parliament
a) Prepare Youth like Astronauts for a World of Peace: Grand opening of ‘Mission AGAPE’ by a youth and educator Ambassadors visiting with physical appearance the ESA, EAC (the European Astronaut Center by the European Space Agency) in Germany, to experience a one in a life time transformative educational activity for peace. Just like the team at EAC equip European and international astronauts with life skills, like resilience, patience, collaboration together with knowledge, ecumenical values and the ethos to live in harmony and create in the International Space Station (ISS), the ‘Mission AGAPE’ Youth & Educator Ambassadors will experience a transformative, space-inspired educational activity and communicate it to the ‘Mission AGAPE’ Ambassadors globally, focused on the astronauts’ skills, wisdom and ethos that enable them to live together in peace on board in ISS, facing all unpredictable challenges while generating solutions making all possible. In this way, ‘Mission AGAPE’ seeks to empower youth to re-imagine a harmonious future by expanding their way of thinking, inspired by the interconnectedness of all and the astronauts’ way of living and thinking, initiating SDGs actions on the ethos of the Cosmic higher LOVE empowering #Space4SDGs and #Pedagogy4love for a luminous future of peace on earth.
b) Initiation of am 8-Week-Action-Period (to be described in the SOS4Love project official web page) for the European and global Youth Ambassadors to design, complete and present their SDGs actions through the ‘SOS4Love Project’ digital platform, empowering Peace in the world highlighting #Space4SDGs and #Pedagogy4love. ‘Mission AGAPE’ cosmic SDGs actions will start with a guided global meditation for Higher LOVE & Peace in the world with the participation of ‘Mission AGAPE’ Ambassadors, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Tucuman Argentina and IONS, Institute of Noetic Scientists.
c) Closing event of ‘Mission AGAPE’ by a Youth and Educator Ambassadors visit with physical appearance in the European Parliament, meeting with MPs and authorities from the ‘European Youth Year 2022’ to share the results and reflections of ‘Mission AGAPE’ experience and their actions, to inspire more youth collaboration in Europe and the world for peace. All active Ambassadors of the SOS4love Project Mission AGAPE (youth and educators) will receive honorary Certificates of Participation & special gifts.
Meet the
SOS4Love Project on the UN SDGs
by 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO
2017- 2022 Timeline at a glance
3DGalery Presentation SOS4love Project
YouTube Channel SOS4Love Project –
Videos from Schools All over the World
The award winning SOS4love Project (Students Organize Solutions for Love and Peace in the world) was initiated in the United Nations Geneva Peace Week 2017 through the English Global Voice of a marginalized group of Greek students with dyslexia in the EFL mainstream classrooms. Facilitated by their teachers and supported by the Minister of Education of Cyprus Dr. Costas Kadis and later the Minister of Education of Tucuman, Argentina Dr. Juan Pablo Lichtmajer who implemented SOS4love Project in all the schools of their countries/provinces, SOS4love Project connected more than half a million youth and reached about 1 Million actors from 134 countries, spreading awarness and organizing solutions of all SDGs, highlighting the urgency of #Pedagogy4love and an inclusive, stigma free education for All. Through its innovative free application ‘SOS4Love Goes to Space’ presented in NASA Space App Challenge Piraeus (the Greek students and teachers created with the support of ‘Live Books’ company and the endorsement of ROSCOSMOS active cosmonauts empowering #Space4SDGs by UNOOSA) students and educators are facilitated to discover the UN SDGs and organize SDGs actions using space technology, while sending messages for higher LOVE and PEACE by getting alive their augmented reality printed astronauts through the app. Later on, during the United Nations Geneva Peace Week 2021 the SOS4love Project made a new bold step. Ms. Aggeliki Pappa President of 3Dlexia Cosmos whose students with dyslexia and SEN initiated the SOS4Love Project, visited bomb shelter schools in Sderot, one kilometer from Gaza Strip, risking their life to connect Israeli and Palestinian students together with peace actions while collaborated with the former NASA Astronaut Dorothy Metcalf Lindenburger (who was also a former classroom teacher) to create and present the highly innovative digital product ‘More Space and LOVE for SDGs’ in the UN together. It is about a series of episodes where astronauts and space scientists collaborate with youth and educators to inspire planetary actions to address the planetary complex SDGs challenges, utilizing the notion of space as a canvas of Peace, collaboration and interconnectedness, through transformative SDGs actions. The digital product ‘More Space and LOVE for SDGs’ by the SOS4love Project is permanently uploaded in the UN Geneva Peace Week Platform: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XL-2EjZ2h8), while SOS4love Project is endorsed by the active ROSCOSMOS Astronauts and the current ISS Commander Oleg Artemyev. The SOS4loveProject creators, youth Ambassadors with dyslexia and special needs in Greece, were awarded with the Diana Award 2018 by the Princess Diana Foundation UK and the Charlemagne Youth Prize 2021 for Greece by the European Parliament and the Charlemagne Academy being the Youth who change the world. Finally, SOS4love Project is being supported by world-class organizations like Microsoft Education USA and distinguished personalities like Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the most prominent scientist globally on climate change, the main advisor on climate change of Angela Merkel and Pope Francis, and Charlize Theron, Hollywood actress, and activist.
Podatki o aktivnosti
Oblika dejavnosti | Hibridna (spletna in s fizično prisotnostjo) |
Začetek dne | 09/06/2022 06:00 |
Konec | 18/12/2022 06:00 |
Časovni pas | [CET] srednjeevropski čas |
Organizator | 3Dlexia Cosmos NGO Greece, Ministry of Education of Tucuman Argentina, OLYMPIASPACE and OLYMPIASPACE Foundation |
Spletišče organizacije | https://www.3dlexiacosmos.com |
Kontaktni e-naslov | info@3dlexiacosmos.com |
Starostna skupina | 13 ali manj; 14-17; 18-24 |
Jezik dejavnosti | angleščina, grščina |
Vrsta dejavnosti | Drugo |
Teme dejavnosti | Udeležba in sodelovanje; Evropske vrednote; Mladi in svet; Vključenost in enakost; Zdravje, dobro počutje in šport; Izobraževanje; Podnebje in okolje; Raziskave in inovacije; Solidarnost z Ukrajino |
Rezervacija | Rezervacija obvezna – glej podrobnosti |
Dostopnost za invalidske vozičke | V celoti dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom |
Cilji mladih, s katerimi je dejavnost povezana | Povezovanje EU z mladimi; Enakost vseh spolov; Vključujoče družbe; Obveščanje in konstruktivni dialog; Duševno zdravje in dobro počutje; Kakovostno učenje; Prostor in participacija za vse; Trajnostna zelena Evropa; Mladinske organizacije in evropski programi |
V zvezi s konferenco o prihodnosti Evrope | Ne |
Število pričakovanih udeležencev (ocena) | 500000 |