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#AcceptanceIsTheFuture Youth Flashmob on #RainBowErasmusPlus Values

Rehearsal for #AcceptanceIsTheFuture Youth Flashmob (Kranevo, BG, July 2022)

21/09/2022 00:00

21/09/2022 23:59

[CET] srednjeevropski čas

During the #EuropeanValuesCamp of #RainBowErasmusPlus project 40 students between 14 and 19 years old together with 25 teachers and role models worked together in Kranevo (BG) to create the products for an European Values Campaign.

The launch of the Campaign is now approaching with the slogan #AcceptanceIsTheFuture. The Campaign will promote the European Social Values which have been considered the most important values by our 14-19 students coming from 6 different EU countries.

Part of the campaign launch will be the #AcceptanceIsTheFuture flashmob which will be done by our students and their friends on the 21st of September 2022.

The rest of the Campaign will be presented during pur Conference in Brussels on the 28th of September 2022.

The Campaign is funded by the EU Commission under its KA3 Erasmus + program.

Podatki o aktivnosti
Oblika dejavnosti S fizično prisotnostjo
Začetek dne 21/09/2022 00:00
Konec 21/09/2022 23:59
Časovni pas [CET] srednjeevropski čas
Organizator Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Romania, Spain
Spletišče organizacije
Kontaktni e-naslov
Starostna skupina 14-17
Jezik dejavnosti angleščina, italijanščina, bolgarščina, španščina, francoščina, romunščina
Vrsta dejavnosti Kampanja
Teme dejavnosti Udeležba in sodelovanje; Evropske vrednote; Vključenost in enakost; Medijska pismenost in dezinformacije; Izobraževanje; Digitalno področje
Cilji mladih, s katerimi je dejavnost povezana Povezovanje EU z mladimi; Vključujoče družbe; Obveščanje in konstruktivni dialog; Kakovostno učenje; Prostor in participacija za vse; Mladinske organizacije in evropski programi
V zvezi s konferenco o prihodnosti Evrope Ne
Število pričakovanih udeležencev (ocena) 100