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Policy Dialogue with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel: "Research and innovation at school - the role of young people"

Visual of the policy dialogue with Commissioner Mariya Gabriel. @© European Union, 2022

11/10/2022 16:00

11/10/2022 17:15

Централноевропейско време

Rue de la Loi, 200, 1049, Brussels, Белгия

Young people are at the heart of many of EU’s education policies and programmes. They have a great role in the education process itself. But what makes innovation possible at school? What unlocks one’s creativity and what makes them active citizens? 

2022 is the European Year of Youth and we want to hear from young people across Europe! Follow our Policy Dialogue with Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel discussing together with young people:

  • How to foster young people’s creativity and innovation mind-sets in schools,
  • how to be encouraged to follow a carrier in science, 
  • how to increase digital competences, 
  • how to be empowered to take an active role in society.

Did you miss the live discussion? Don't worry, you can watch the recorded version by accessing the European Commission live stream page.


Take aways from the Dialogue

  1. STEM education opportunities. The importance of making STEM education more attractive, especially for girls and young women. There is an alarming gap between the number of girls and young women interested in STEM subjects at early school levels and the ones graduating in these areas and pursuing a career in exact sciences and engineering. European programmes, such as Erasmus+, could further support the participation in various competitions and Olympiads on STEM subjects.
  2. Improvement of diversity & inclusion. The improvement of  inclusion of disadvantaged youth groups (economic problems, health problems, interruption of education) was mentioned across many of the policy dialogues. In addition, there were points raised also on the provision of equal opportunities on mobility and education between rural/urban, genders, different member states.
  3. Introduction of the Youth Test. The European Youth Forum have proposed the introduction of the EU Youth Test as a legacy of the European Year of Youth. The Youth Test will be a new tool to assess the impact of new policies on young people. In case of negative/unsatisfactory impact identified, mitigation measures should be proposed. The European Youth Forum have raised the topic of the EU youth test in all policy dialogues.


Данни за дейността
Формат на дейността Хибридно (както онлайн, така и лице в лице)
Дата на започване 11/10/2022 16:00
Приключва на 11/10/2022 17:15
Часова зона Централноевропейско време
Организирана от European Commission
Целева възрастова група 18-24; 25-30
Език на дейността Английски
Вид дейност Дискусия
Теми на дейността Участие и ангажираност; Образование; Научни изследвания и иновации
Цели за младежта, с които тази дейност е свързана Свързване на ЕС с младежта; Качествено образование
Във връзка с Конференцията за бъдещето на Европа Не
Брой очаквани участници (приблизителна оценка) 12