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Policy dialogues

Throughout the European Year of Youth 2022 and until February 2023, each member of the College of Commissioners invited 12-15 young people to the Berlaymont in Brussels to take part in a policy dialogue.

Each policy dialogue lasted around two hours and consisted of a meaningful conversation and exchange of views with young people on topics of their interest and concern, in the remit of the respective Commissioner’s portfolio. The young participants from across the EU and beyond, were able to express their views, raise questions, share ideas and suggestions in a face-to-face meeting which was webstreamed in the majority of cases and sometimes coupled with web interaction. Providing a space for direct and meaningful interaction with Commissioners across the policy spectrum contributed to mainstreaming youth concerns throughout the political agenda.

Where possible, the policy dialogues were organised so that the outcomes of the discussion could feed into specific legislation going through the legislative process. 

After each policy dialogue the participants receive a satisfaction survey. Just over half of the participants responded to this survey. 95% of respondents reported being happy with the organisation of the policy dialogues. 82% found the content of the dialogue good or excellent, 87% fond the content of the prior information sessions good or excellent. 38% were enjoyed the Experience Europe exhibition and 24% did not. 60% found the events to be sustainable, though only 7% thought the events were not sustainable. 89% thought the format encouraged interaction and engagement between the participants and the speakers. 88% were pleased the quality of the networking opportunities between the participants who stayed at the same hotel and had breakfast, lunch and dinner together.  

Of the survey respondents, 44% identified as male, 51% as female, 2% as other and 3% gave no answer.  

There were 4,742 total live connections and 1,004 peak live views (the highest number of simultaneous unique viewers at a specific moment in time). Total views of the 26 policy dialogues via the Commission’s streaming service are 7,043. 

Below, you will find a list of all the policy dialogues that took place in the frame of the European Year of Youth. 

Don’t hesitate to click on the links to rewatch the policy dialogues and read about their main takeaways.  


  1. Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager: "Taking Competition Policy into the Future" – 03.02.2022
  2. Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans: "Kick-starting a Sustainable Europe" – 07.04.2022
  3. Commissioner Didier Reynders: "Right to repair initiative" – 17.05.2022
  4. Commissioner Helena Dalli: "Equality bodies that work for all of us" – 24.05.2022
  5. Commissioner Nicolas Schmit: "Social protection, minimum income, and beyond" – 13.06.2022
  6. Vice-President Margaritis Schinas: "Our European way of life - the model of society we stand for" – 21.06.2022
  7. Commissioner Thierry Breton: "Entrepreneurship" – 20.09.2022
  8. Commissioner Johannes Hahn: "Financing future EU priorities" – 21.09.2022
  9. Commissioner Kadri Simson: "How to ensure that Europe’s future energy independence is sustainable" – 26.09.2022
  10. Commissioner Elisa Ferreira: "Addressing brain drain: retaining and attracting talents in EU regions" – 27.09.2022
  11. Acting Director-General Maciej Popowski: "Building bridges among communities" – 28.09.2022
  12. Commissioner Mariya Gabriel: "Research and innovation at school - the role of young people" 11.10.2022
  13. Commissioner Mairead McGuinness: "The future of finance" – 25.10.2022
  14. Commissioner Adina Vălean: "Jobs in Transport" – 09.11.2022
  15. Commissioner Janez Lenarčič: "Climate change and humanitarian action and International Humanitarian Law" – 15.11.2022
  16. Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen: "Building partnerships as the way forward in geopolitically challenging times" – 29.11.2022
  17. Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni: "Measuring what matters: looking beyond GDP" – 30.11.2022
  18. Vice-President Dubravka Šuica: "Geography of Discontent" – 05.12.2022
  19. Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič: "Innovations for the Future of Europe – the voice of youth" – 06.12.2022
  20. High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell: "Engaging the youth in global politics: towards a stronger Europe in a changing world"  - 08.12.2022
  21. Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis: "Supporting People Now & Repowering our Economy for the Future" – 10.01.2023
  22. Commissioner Ylva Johansson: "Protecting young people from organised crime" – 23.01.2023
  23. Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius : "Sustainable and Circular Textiles" – 25.01.2023
  24. Commissioner Janusz Wojciechowski: "Young people in agriculture and rural areas" – 31.01.2022
  25. Vice-President Vera Jourova: "Media Freedom and Pluralism in the EU" – 07.02.2022
  26. Commissioner Stella Kyriakides: “Towards a comprehensive approach to Mental Health” – 22.02.2023