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From 12/04/2024 11:00 to 12/04/2024 13:00 - [EET] Eastern European Time

Aleea MArgaritarilor, Murfatlar, nr. 9A, 900471, Murfatlar, Romania

Exprima-te Liber

O dezbatere dedicata exercitarii corecte a dreptului de a vota, a valorilor si principiilor UE, cum vad tinerii oportunitatile comunitare si ce au de facut pentru a beneficia de aceste oportunitati.

Activity details

  • Activity format

  • With face-to-face presence
  • Activity topics

  • Democracy & elections, Participation & engagement, European values
  • Language of the activity

  • Romanian
  • Organised by

  • Directia Judeteana pentru Sport si Tineret Constanta in parteneriat cu Centrul de Tineret SPARK
  • Type of activity

  • Debate
  • Number of expected participants

  • 25
  • Sign language interpretation

  • Не
  • Youth Goals

  • Connecting EU with Youth, Information & Constructive Dialogue