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ERASMUS+ Virtual Exchange

The Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange project 2018-2020 is now finished. Please stay tuned to the European Youth Portal for further developments!

12 Jun 2020

Ikram, Morocco: “Virtual Exchange is connecting us during an critical time in history, in a way that we feel we are not alone in this”

Ikram studies a Masters Degree in English Literature in Morocco. She is an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Facilitator, providing guidance in online discussions to deepen cross-cultural conversations. Thanks to Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange, she was trained on the necessary dialogue facilitation tools, the use of technology and conflict resolution skills. Ikram highlights below her experience in facilitating during COVID-19 pandemic.

How was it like to facilitate during COVID-19 for you personally?

Facilitating during the COVID-19 was a very unique experience for me. It showed me how Virtual Exchange sustains our human connection to the outer world. Although we cannot literally leave home, we can “virtually” cross borders and find solace and support in each other’s words.

Were there any personal benefits to you whether in terms of improving your skills or being in touch with people from around the world at a critical time in history? 

Facilitating Virtual Exchange offered me a better insight into the global response to the COVID19 pandemic. Virtual Exchange connects us at this critical time in history in a way that we feel we are not alone in this. As we are more reminded of our similarities and differences, facilitation helped me engage better with difference, empathise more with people around me, and seek support myself. While we facilitators are there to support our groups, there is a large Soliyan family who is there to support us. Virtual exchange in this sense compensates for the isolation and substitutes it with cross-cultural connection.

Was there anything different facilitating during a global crisis? Do you think you made a difference in your participants' life?

COVID-19 was majorly present in almost all of our discussions this semester. I could see that participants were very interested in exploring its whereabouts more and discuss various thoughts that they formed about it.  It was great to see them try to make sense of their realities by connecting the pandemic situation to interesting topics such as stereotypes, global equality, and media. This not only helped participants become more informed about the situation world-wide, but also reach more depth in their discussions and get inspired by their peers’s way of coping with the situation.

Any participant story/example from a session that stood out for you?

In the first few weeks, one of my groups decided to discuss Media and COVID-19. The discussion was tense and emotional to the point that the mother of one participant ran to hug her daughter during the session. I had a temperature check with the group where I asked everyone to share how they are feeling about the pandemic and how they are coping with these feelings. Many of them shared that they are feeling scared, stressed out, and unsure about what the future holds for them and their countries. This sense of sharing common feelings and reactions gave everyone great comfort and helped them empathize more with one another. Many participants also shared that Soliya is actually the highlight of their weeks; and as such, they looked forward to meeting their cross-cultural group every week.

What would you say to people who are contemplating whether or not to become facilitators? Why would you recommend it?

In a time where many of us are quarantining alone, Virtual Exchange can offer us a precious gift: a mini cross-cultural family. Not being able to leave home does not mean that we cannot give something back to the world. Facilitating means to listen, communicate, and connect. Most importantly, it means the ability to find yourself in helping others grow as better communicators, leaders, and potential change makers. Facilitation is a way of life. 

Become an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Facilitator!

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