Níl an t-ábhar seo le fáil i Gaeilge faoi láthair

Congratulations – you are now President of the European Union!

(Let's pretend for a second that a Presidential role exists and it’s you!)

As the President, you can decide what the most important issues are for Europe.  What would you change to make things better? How would you do that?

In reality, decision-making in the EU is a complex process and does not lie in the hands of just one institution or person. Generally, the European Commission proposes laws which then need to be adopted by the European Parliament and the Council. Each of the EU’s institutions has its own President but they don’t have absolute power, and they can’t interfere in EU countries’ authority.


Make a European passaport if not possibile create a draw in the custody of all passaports from eu country members in european style. Passport of Republic etc... Passport of Italy member of Ue; impose to all country the new dreaw in the sakekeeping
First and foremost I would gather all the different teams that now work in european union and ask for a very descriptive and short (so very aimed) report of the key issues/problem going on right now. Then I would hear what everyone had to say and most probably I would banish everyone that is too selfish to understand what is the real problem at stake inside european union.THEN i would definitely create different teams that deal with the very same problems mentioned by the previous teams:1) One team of european students (fresh, young and thoughtful people) and people of education that actually understand and know what has to be done in order to improve collaboration between education/research institutes all around europe and how to work in order to boost this sector based on young people ideas that come from different countries and throughout discussion between them.This should be the basis of a union.Hear what the different mentalities/nationalities propose/think.This way the young people can learn to dispose of racism and differentiality issues. 2) I would give LESS POWER to politicians and financial organizations that govern the lives of other people, which they see as number and not as people.I would gather new teams of consultants and try to find new ways to solve the economic problems: teams of economists,analysts and people that know ways, innovative ones maybe to make european union a stable union again.This can only work if we sit down and discuss, exchange ideas and agree to find ways to help.How to create new jobs based on the capabilities now offered from every european citizen useful,young or old, and how to adjust the job issues of every country in a big job-creating plan around europe.3) To more help the integration in european union of all different cultures/nationalities/ages of people, I would create multi-cultural teams, and multi-age team peoples and gather ideas in how to promote the exchange of culture,music,knowledge,traditions around the different countries, ,targeted actions for every different minority or majority of people around Europe. People could ACTUALLY learn and understand the different mentalities of their fellow european-union countries through these actions and through that they could also improve and understand better their own problems as nationalities.3)In terms of immigrants, apart from gathering representatives of every single area with people that are immigrants and discuss with them their problems I would try to promote ways so that people of Europe get to know what are the problems these people facing and also show to these people that not all of them have a criminal past.Prior to that I would make the european border more effectively protected (creating a coast guard reinforcement of patrols around) by giving incentives to people to work on this, incentives not based on money and fear of criminalism but incentives steming from a strong European Union which has decided to help the people in need and protect its citizens.I would also try to catch people that right now have bad intentions against Europe or any other country. 4)In the same way as previously, I would gather different teams that work on different issues like: the construction of a new health system for every european country that is based on one general health system plan, but adjusted to every country's needs,an environmental and climate change plan in order to inform people for the changes they need to do in their lives, the reason why they have to do it by giving them incentives. Teams should also there be to discuss how to promote civil rights, working rights, how to improve taxation tactics and how these are reflected in european's citisen's life and how to deminish all sorts of inequalities generally.This is how i imagine Europe to be. A place where people can actually give their best self in what they are asked to do in their everyday life and work, because the union is rewarding them back with a better quality of life through a stable system.
I would start making motions towards securing the border regions of the EU, especially around Greece; an EU naval mission would be sstarted that would curtail the amount of migrants sailing over from Greece by capturing smuggler ships, destroying them, and returning the people on these ships to Turkish soil where they set sail from. I would issue a statement to Turkey: return northern Cyprus to rightful Cypriot rule, cease the oppression of minorities within their country and effectively start combating religious fundamentalism in government and in society; lest they face economic sanctions. I would then move to further integrating eastern European countries into the EU, and motion for the integration and membership process of nations like Ukraine and Georgia to be sped up. I would increase economic pressure on Russia and put up temporary gas boycotts through the summer, demanding they cease military activity in eastern Ukraine and abide by the Minsk agreement they themselves signed. Know I do not have the required political power, I will push for stronger European integration in the hopes of federalising the EU within the next 30 years.
I would end all Far Left, Communist, neo-Marxist subversion and defund all such organisations. Europeans must be taught to cherish their unique European heritage, culture, traditions and people. The EU should encourage indigenous Europeans to marry and have large families, to live traditional European lifestyles, care for their own nature, and no job should ever be outsourced. In short, the EU should be there for the benefit only of Europeans and if it continues to fail in this area it should be dissolved and all sovereignty returned to the nation states of Europe.
I would dissolve the EU and all of its laws and return all of the nation's sovereignty to their own control to do with as they wish, because that is the democratic way.
I would make sure there are no hungry children - as it is the situation in some Bulgarian regions. Then would come obligatory education for them. Then come the things mentioned above. Rich countries in the EU don't know anything about life in the "periphery"!
I would protect the borders of EU much more efficiently.i would develop new industries for peoples who have no jobs.I cancel the erasmus education program and generate more wealth for technologies and industries.I would try to promote equal human and civil rights to all EU citizens. Unequality means different salaries in the same occupation between member states, different health insurance, differences in the policies for the disadvantaged people
I would take care more about environment, I would control borders more not allowing to get visa to persons who already have criminal past.I would improve education system .
I would establish an EU-wide Unconditional Basic Income scheme, in order to tackle poverty and wealth inequality and boost health, education, gender equality, entrepreneurship and active citizenship, as all pilots held so far prove that to be the outcome!
Federal European Union.Federal political union.Federal Europe.European citizineship.