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On the right (without glasses): Tjasa Jereb, a student who took part in a study visit for youth workers in a youth centre in Denmark.

Edvard Eriksen’s mermaid’s home

Tjasa, Slovenia

If visiting this interesting student house did not give me a boost and ideas about what can be done for young people, I don't know what will, because it really got me thinking.

First glance of Edvard Eriksen’s mermaids home looked incredible. Architecturally sophisticated brick buildings with huge windows, with golden lights decorated balconies and the smell of rain gave the city an impression of simplicity and purity. Everywhere I looked, someone was riding a bike, without a helmet. At first, I thought it was a bit strange to have such enthusiasm for bikes. Everything worked, the subway was punctual to the second, so much that when I tried to jump on the subway at the last moment I got caught between the doors and the doors didn't open back! Thank God I still have my left arm. Joke aside, the place was beautiful, tidy, spacious and no one was too laud, even at night it was pure silence. I was impressed by the building run by the students themselves - they organize the food menus themselves and decide who will cook for one day and what will they cook, they organize events and everything works! If visiting this interesting student house did not give me a boost and ideas about what can be done for young people, I don't know what will, because it really got me thinking. Youth centres also have so much creative space where everyone can express themselves in their own way. The space is technologically equipped, and almost every youth centre has a room to record a podcast. It's crazy! I'm grateful that I was able to go there and experience all this because of what they do there with youth and for young people is truly amazing. There was an incredible connection between people, and I didn't see a selfish approach anywhere. People call each other by first names, everyone is just Lars or Ula. They work to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity and push each other to achieve that goal. Dear reader if at this point you are wondering if this is something for you, believe me the answer is yes, because you have nothing to lose, much to gain!

Updated on csütörtök, 13/02/2025