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European Solidarity Corps

Моќта на заедништвото

Helping needy ones in Moldova vs Planeta Caritatii


Chisinau, Moldova (Republic of)


Every day there is a schedule that is respected. Approximately it looks like: Time Activity 9:00 – 10:00 Sport activity (every day except wednesday) 10:00 – 11:00 Work with natural materials 11:00 – 12:00 Educational activity* 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch 12:00 – 14:00 Educational activity* • Educational activites change every day – Monday - glina, mathematic, grammar; Tuesday and Thursday – social activity – estetic education (concerts, theater); Wednesday – work in the garden / cleaning the teritoryaround the building / excursions, theater, museum, gardening in the village/ sewing 11:00 till 14:00; Friday – grammar, mathematic, embrodery ribbons. If the weather is good on Friday we go gardening, Wednesday – excursions. After adaptation volunteer will be asked to help some beneficiaries to to come to the center and after activities to go with them back home

Сместување, храна и транспорт

Volunteer(s) will live in a host family or volunteer's flat with shared kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Also volunteer(s) will have access to the land line phone in their accommodation. Internet can be accessed in the internet cafes and wi-fi spots in the city, also some volunteer flats have internet access at individual basis. As well volunteer will be able to use internet in his Host Organization

Training during the activity

OAT and mid term organized by SALTO EECA and other trainings organized by Host and supporting organizations

Participant profile

We are welcoming young volunteers with creative interests and experience in the arts and crafts (theatre, visual arts, film/video making, music and so forth), sports and/or games.

Activity dates

Од 30/11/2020 до 31/08/2021

Activity location

Chisinau, Moldova (Republic of)

Individual volunteering

Looking for participants from

British Antarctic Territory, Ангилја, Албанија, Австрија, Аруба, Босна и Херцеговина, Белгија, Бугарија, Сен Бартелеми, Bonaire Sint Eustatius and Saba, Белорусија, Canary Islands, Курасао, Кипар, Република Чешка, Германија, Данска, Естонија, Грција, Шпанија, Финска, Фолкландските Острови, Франција, Француска Гвајана, Гренланд, Хрватска, Унгарија, Ирска, Израел, Британскиот Територија на Индиски Океан, Исланд, Италија, Јордан, Кајмански Острови, Либан, Лихтенштајн, Литванија, Луксембург, Летонија, Либија, Црна Гора, Saint Martin (french part), North Macedonia, Монтсерат, Малта, Нова Каледонија, Холандија, Норвешка, Француска Полинезија, Полска, Pitcairn, Португалија, Романија, Србија, Russian Federation, Шведска, Словенија, Словачка, Sint Maarten (dutch part), Турците и Каикос Острови, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Обединето Кралство, Kosovo * UN resolution

Activity topics

Social challenges

Reception and integration of refugees and migrants

Citizenship and democratic participation

Disaster prevention and recovery

Environment and natural protection

Health and wellbeing

Education and training

Employment and entrepreneurship

Creativity and culture

Physical education and sport

Deadline for applications

Краен рок на аплицирање: 31/10/2020 23:59